Like Facing a Mirror

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"Hey f/n, is that Kota over there?" Midoriya pointed out, as the young boy walked into the forest.

"Looks like it. Dinner is starting soon, isn't he hungry?" She pointed out, as the rest of their group was setting up the tables.

"I can bring him some dinner."

"No, I'm full from Bakugou's dish, I can bring it." She decided, prepping a bowl of her own curry to serve to the child. She followed the boy through the forest and up the cliff, cursing about the elevation of this mountain since it was not helping her already fatigued body.

Upon arrival, she noticed the boy in the horned hat watching the stars. He immediately noticed a new presence and stood on guard. "How did you find me here?!"

"There's really nowhere else to go, kid, there's a straight path from the camp to here." She retorted, shoving the bowl of curry in his face. "Eat, kids like you need a lot to grow up."

"Well I don't care, now get out of my secret hideout!" He screamed, pushing the bowl right back into her hands.

"I'll leave you alone, pipsqueak, just eat." Reluctantly he took the bowl and ran as far as he could from the girl, before devouring the creamy curry in front of him.

"You spend all your life trying to improve quirks, but all you wanna do is show off! It's dumb, so get lost."

"Jeez, I didn't know there was a new way to say thanks." f/n murmured as she took back the bowl from his hands.

"Out of everyone here, why the heck are you a tryna hero?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your mom, she left you alone right?" He huffed, taking his original seat and looking back at the stars.



"I mean sure she's dead, but everywhere I look reminds me of her. I still watch her old videos, the beach by my house was cleaned because of her, people still find her to be their favorite hero, I've been told by everyone around me that I'm a splitting image of her." A moment of silence engulfed the two. l/n wondered if she should just leave him alone or continue to keep Kota company.

"Tch, at least you only lost your mom."

Ouch, but breathe it's just a kid.

"Sure, but if your parents were anything like my mother, they loved you very much."

"And how would you know that? They didn't care about me, they cared about random people rather than their own kid!" His eyes were beginning to water.

"You're right, but we're from a similar situation. So if you ever just wanna talk, I guess I'll listen." And with that, she walked back down the mountain.

Damn it. I'm such a hypocrite.

Tears started dripping from her cheeks, she dropped to her knees and a loud sob escaped her throat. Memories of her mother ran through her mind, she couldn't stop the tears.

Just then the sound of bushes broke her little pity party. "Oi, the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing, I think a bug got in my eyes, that's all." She hesitantly gave out a chuckle, rubbing her eyes as she tried to walk away from this awkward situation.

"Yeah right, I've been here ever since you started having your little mental breakdown." Bakugou retorted, roughly handing her a tissue to wipe away her tears.

"Nothing, I just feel bad for the kid."

"Tch, yeah right. There's no way that kid's sob story brought you down this much." The blondie retorted, grabbing a hold of her arm, making her face him in the eye. Her eyes were red and looked as if she was going to break down and start crying once more.

"...He just reminded me of myself right when I just lost my mother. Now leave me alone." l/n whispered, barely loud enough for Bakugou to hear.

With that, she ripped her arm off his grip and stormed off back to the crowd. But once again was stopped by Bakugou. "God, Bakugou, what more do you want from me?"

"Gah, you'd rather have more people see your ugly face like that? Or would you prefer to just stay here till you calm the fuck down?" Once more, Bakugou took a hold of her hand and began dragging her to a new location. When the forest cleared, a beautiful lake appeared before them.

"I get the water for my training here. I doubt anyone would be here at this time." He divulged, taking a seat on a boulder that faced the lake. She meekly followed behind and looked further into the lake. The dark blue lake reflected the starry night, the only sounds you could hear were the soft waves of the water and the rustling of the leaves.

"Thanks....I guess." She sniffled, diving her head in between her knees.

"Yeah whatever, now stop crying, it's annoying." A new silence filled their ears, but this time, it was welcomed. Soon the girl's eyes began to feel heavy, most likely from all the tears, she allowed herself to succumb to the sleepiness and just hoped that Bakugou would wake her up before it was too late.

However, an unfamiliar weight was laid on Bakugou's knee, looking down, he saw the girl peacefully sleeping right next to him. "You idiot. You put on such a shit show and now look." He sat there for a little while longer, not wanting to be harassed by his peers once more.

After thirty minutes, he knew there was no way he could wake her up. Slipping his arms around the girl, he took the initiative to take his peer back home. Arriving at the girls dorm, he aggressively kicked the door, considering both arms were occupied with some precious cargo.

The one who opened the door was a very sleepy Jiro. "Bakugou? Wait, l/n? What the heck happened? All I heard was that l/n went to give food to Kota and that was hours ago!" She worried, which garnered the attention of all the other girls.

"Did you kill her!?"

"Were you guys on a date?!" Hagakure squealed, noticing how l/n was resting comfortably in his arms.

"Hell no, one of the cats told me to go find her after Kota came back before her." He lied, a faint blush coating his cheek and ears. "Now hurry up and tell me where her bed is before I drop this sack of shit." Quickly, the girls escorted the boy to her bed and he swiftly left before any more questions could be asked.

The next day was just as bad as the first. Even worse, some would say. They woke up again bright and early. For the next six hours, they were straining their bodies and quirks to the max. Just then a truck pulled up, with Pixie-bob jumping into the trunk.

"Tonight's gonna be fun!" She hollered, "We're pinning classes against each other in a test of courage! We all know that you all have been training hard, so let's end the day by playing hard!" Some students were unamused by this, figuring that this test of courage was just another training session rather than having fun with their peers. Unfortunately those who were excited, were immediately shot down when they heard that they had to skip it for their extra classes.

Later that night, the students were once more prepping dinner. Bakugou and l/n chose not to talk about the night before, but unfortunately were assigned to sit next to each other since they were in charge of cutting the potatoes and carrots.

"Woah, Bakugou, l/n you're really good with that knife! It's weird." A surprised Uraraka complimented, as she watched the two finish nearly a dozen carrots and potatoes in a quick instant.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S WEIRD? HOW CAN YOU PEOPLE BE SO BAD AT EVERYTHING?!" He yelled, causing her to freak out.

Soon night fall rained, and the students were gathered back outside to begin the test of courage. "We'll start with class B for our scarers!" Pixie-Bob explained, "Once they're prepared, class A will go through in pairs every three minutes. There are tags in the middle with your names, your goal is to collect them all!"

The teams were selected and f/n was placed to be with Midoriya. The test started out as normal, but soon blue flames appeared amidst the forest.

"Hey, no one but Todoroki has a fire quirk, but I doubt it's this strong to appear blue." Midoriya murmured to l/n, who was also concerned with this new situation.

"Shit, where's Kota?" She said, before darting into the forest.

"l/n? Where are you going?!?"

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