Class of Weirdos

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Ascending up from the metro station, she quickly noticed the huge building that stood atop a mountain. All she could think of is how the hell was she supposed to climb that thing without breaking a sweat. After what felt like hours, she finally reached the gates of UA, taking in the three doors that had numbers on them and statues which decorated each side of the path.

Walking through the halls, f/n looked out taking a minute to view the vast blue ocean in front of the school. By the end of the hall, she spotted a sign that marked her new classroom. She stood in front of the towering gray door that had "1-A" etched out into it.

Ok, this is not a big deal...

Taking a hold of it's handle and pulling the door to the side, she found she was one of the first few to be here.

Examining the room, she noticed the blue haired boy who made a ruckus during the entrance exams coming towards her. "Ah good morning! I am Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy." He projected, extending a hand to shake.

"f/n l/n." She spoke walking past, not bothered to requite the hand shake.

"Where are your manners?" Tenya remarked, flashing his hands up and down. "It's common courtesy to extend hospitality to your new classmates."

"Maybe to a private school kid." Brushing past, taking her seat that was located near the back of the classroom.

"That is not true!" He fussed, making a beeline to your desk. "We are going to classmates so it's only natural to make introductions.

"And that's what I did." She jabbed, taking out her headsets and plugging them into her phone. "I told you my name now, if you excuse me." Opening up her playlist, she decided to listen to some music and relax before class officially started.


As the minutes went by, more and more students began filing into the classroom. One of which being a boy with a bird for a head. Taking up the seat ahead of you, he broke your tranquil peace. "I like your music choice." He spoke, f/n nearly missing his quiet voice.

"Wait, you listen to Guns N' Roses?" She asked, completely oblivious to the fact that her music was so embarrassingly loud that the people around her could hear. Then another voice from behind her spoke.

"Woah, never thought I'd hear someone else say that name." Turning around to meet the eyes of a girl with navy hair, cut into a pixie-like cut. Taking a closer look, she notices two earphone jacks dangling down from her ears. "I'm Kyoka Jiro."

"f/n l/n."

"Fumikage Tokoyami."

Surprisingly choosing to make an effort to get to know her classmates, she tucked her headsets back into her bag and started conversing with her new classmates. They talked about their middle school life, hobbies, and just making small talk to pass time. The peace was only then broken when a very loud, very angry, very annoying guy burst into the room.

"I KNEW IT WAS YOU" He yelled from the front of the room, stomping his way towards f/n. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONLY ONE TO ATTEND UA."

"Sucks to suck man," f/n replied, turning her head back to her two new friends.

"SINCE WHEN DID YOU WANT TO BE A HERO?" He shouted, taking a hold of her collar to make her look straight in the eyes. "DIDN'T YOU HATE HEROES OR SOMETHING AFTER YOUR WEAK ASS MOM DIED?"

After a brief moment of silence, a hand grabbed onto Bakugo's, "That is no way to treat a classmate! Especially discussing a sensitive topic like this." Bakugo ignored this and only shrugged Iida's hand and walked toward his seat. Propping his feet onto his desk, this only fueled Iida's rage as he began lecturing the blonde about how he should respect the school's property.

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