A True Hero

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'Why is it always stinging?' f/n thought as she sat inside a dirty blue bathroom stall trying to numb the pain felt whenever she summoned her quirk. It was hopeless, every time she released them, a fiery pain intoxicated her brain. As she sat on the toilet, her bicep glowed bright red. f/n's tear ducts started to flame up from the held-up tears.

Just as she was about to leave the bathroom, some students outside were conversing with each other, but barely discreetly. Their conversation had piqued f/n's interest.

"Oh, you know that 3rd year in that quirkless guy's class, her name is l/n, right? She thinks she's so cool because she doesn't show off their quirk and her mother and aunt are both pros!" A red-head girl commented as she fixed her hair trying to make herself look good in the compact mirror rather than looking at her friend.

"I know right?" Her friend agreed, "What an attention hog! A few days ago some news reporters were talking to me about the inclination of villains, and that all completely dropped as soon as that little brat walked out of the school! They walked over me like dirt and wanted to interview her!"

This was an ongoing problem for f/n, she had grown accustomed to the relentless taunts thrown at them, but now it has become the new normal for people to be unnecessarily rude at her.

f/n usually ignored the ugly comments and today was no different. Opening the door, she exited the bathroom surprising the two females, she walked right past the gossiping girls and headed back to the classroom leaving two stunned females in her wake.

It was the end of lunch and the students were all making their way to their next class, some messing around with friends, others on their own.

"Alright, class as you know you are all 3rd years now, your last year of junior high," The teacher lectured once the bell made its final warning to get to class, "I see that most of you are wanting to apply for the hero course in high school, but please add your back up schools just in case," Loud jeers shook the class as students began to display their flashy quirks.

"We all know none of these extra's are going to pass the test!" A loud voice yelled.

"Oh, that's right. Bakugou, you applied to UA." The teacher sighed.

"UA! Their acceptance rate is super low this year!"

"You really think you can get accepted there Bakugou?"

Bakugou jumped onto his desk, causing the legs of his chair to scrape across the floor.

"Obviously! The only person from this shitty school who can get into UA is me! I'll be the number one hero!" Bakugou declared, pointing his thumbs towards him.

"Oh? Midoriya, have you also applied to UA?" The teacher was indeed surprised that Izuku Midoriya was applying to such a prestigious hero school.

"Midoriya! He doesn't even have a quirk! He'll probably die at the practical exams!" The class chattered mockingly, their laughter overpowering their teacher's voice.

"Quirkless people probably can't even apply at UA!" A student howled.

"T-that's not true! They got rid of that rule a long time ago!" Midoriya stammered, the student's eyes only made him more nervous.

"Hah?! Do you think you can compete with me Deku? I'll crush you if you even think about entering!" Bakugou threatened.

"It doesn't hurt to at least try Kachaan!" Midoriya whimpered.

"Try?! Are you just doing this for fun? I'LL DESTROY YOU!" Bakugou yelled.

Soon enough the bell rang, causing most of the students to group up and head towards their afternoon clubs. But of course, there are those who head straight home, f/n being one of them.

Reaching out to slide the door open, she stepped out of the room with her inside shoes clicking on the floor. Even though she was on the other side of the hall she could still hear the loud shouting coming from her classroom. 'Poor Midoriya," She frowned, however didn't care too much to assist her fellow peer.

'Remember what I told you f/n, don't get into unnecessary trouble.'

'But what if it's for a friend?'

'Friends, they aren't forever.' Those words from her mother repeated in her head as she didn't even think about stepping in.

"Why would she want me to be a hero when she doesn't even want me to help others?" f/n murmured.

"Just take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life!" A raspy voice shouted from above.

L/n flinched, the voice cutting off her thoughts. It was Bakugou again, but this time a notebook fell from the second floor. Her instincts immediately reacted, fingers grazing the pages.

The book fell on the floor as she attempted to catch it, in other circumstances she would have caught it, however, Bakugou's voice caught them by surprise. f/n picked the notebook up and swiped off the dirt, placing it by the pond next to them.

'Who would say that? Give me a break, and he speaks of being the number one hero?' f/n scoffed and continued to walk home. A true hero doesn't do good deeds only to threaten others.

Passing by the busy streets of Masutafu, f/n eyes heroes making their rounds or patrols. Their gaudy outfits flash through the crowd as they try to find a potential villain. They seem to yearn for the attention of the press and civilians.

Soon, the crowd began to thin down. She passed by the old playground that she and her brother used to play on. Not a lot of school kids use it now since it was left in construction for a long time. Even after its finished renovation, only angsty teens run amok there either smoking a joint or talking about the newest volume of a manga. Finally, f/n reached the front door of her home, fished out the keys from her bag and unlocked the door.

Opening the door, f/n dropped her bag half haphazardly. As she began her ascension up the stairs with old family photos decorating the off-white walls, she stood in front of a large cage just before her window. Swiftly unlocking the cage she snakes a hand underneath the gray fluff ball. Setting Hokori down onto a plate of hay, she began to meticulously scrub the place where her beloved chinchilla son called home.

"Well now, that's all clean." After an hour of cleaning, she guides Hokori to his newly cleaned living quarters. Glancing at the clock, f/n noticed the time and descended back down the stairs into the kitchen.

"I wonder what to do next..."

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