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On the morning of the UA sports festival, f/n was sitting at her kitchen counter eating her breakfast before hearing a greeting.

"Morning sis." Hayato yawned as he slid into the seat beside her, running his hands through his messy bed hair. He stared at her for a few minutes before reaching towards the tamagoyaki and a bowl of miso soup. "You know, I still don't understand why you entered UA's hero course," he paused, taking a bite, "but if there's one thing I'm going to tell you, it's..."


f/n jolted in her seat, before slowly turning towards the yelling man. "Huh?"

"I mean, if you do well, that's gonna be incredible! I've always wanted to be those types of flashy heroes, you know? And those super cool special moves! ARRGHHH, wouldn't it be amazing to see you do that?"

The younger sibling sweatdropped at the huge display of enthusiasm right beside her. "I'll try my best..."

"No! You will do your best! Plus, if you win the whole thing, I bet I can advertise to more people to come to my tattoo parlor! Haha, brother of UA's sports festival first-year winner." Hayato grinned, spreading his hands out like he was framing his last few words. "I'll put it on a huge banner!"

"You're more excited than me."


Oh wow. There's a lot of reporters outside.

Looking at the front entrance of UA, f/n glanced at the crowd, all filled with excited audience members and heroes from all across Japan. Swiftly and sneakily, she hurried towards the first year stage where class 1-A's waiting room was.

Because of stupid Hayato's pep talk, he made me late. All of my classmates are already there.

Opening the door of the waiting room, she was met with quite a tense room.

"Midoriya, objectively speaking, I think I'm stronger than you in terms of practical strength." Todoroki declared as he walked up towards the green-haired boy.

"Wha?! Oh, um yeah..." The other murmured nervously.

The ice and fire user continued, "But I know you've got All Might's eyes on you, so I'm just going to tell you..."

"I'm going to beat you."

What did I walk into?

f/n slipped to the slide of the door, ambling around the perimeter of the room in order to appear unnoticeable.

"l/n." Shoot.

"I don't know what move you pulled on that villain during the attack in the USJ, but just know I'm also not going to let you have your way." HUHHHHHH. What's up with this??

f/n turned to him with an annoyed expression, "Is this your declaration of war?"

Before anyone could say another word, Kirishima interjected, "Hey, what's up with all of this? Don't suddenly spring this up on them." Todoroki turned to him and shook Kirishima's hand off his arm.

"I'm not here to play nice and make friends." He coldly glared.

Midoriya clenched his fists before lifting his head to say a few words. "You're definitely stronger than me, and stronger than the vast majority. But even so, everyone is aiming for the top with all they have! So I'm going to go for it too!"

Looks like things are getting heated up. I won't let myself be left behind.


The roars of the stadium were immediately overpowered by Present Mic's commentary as he introduced each class entering the arena.



What an introduction...

Looking around f/n saw that many of her classmates were filled with nerves. As she was glancing at the thousands of heroes and audience members in the seats above, she noticed a familiar looking face.

"f/n!!! Do your best, I'm watching you!!" Hayato screamed as he was waving his hands like a mad man. f/n grimaced at the embarrassing display yet felt comforted by his support. Her thoughts were interrupted as a rough shoulder hit against hers.

"Watch it, smoky extra." Bakugou snarked as he walked in front of her.

She whispered, "You walked into me."

"Hah?" He fumed, but before he could say another insulting nickname, Midnight started her introduction.

Oh, I haven't seen much of Auntie...It's been a while.

"Oh wow, it's the 18+ heroine, Midnight! She's the chief referee for the freshman stage this year!" Someone from the crowd declared.

Tokoyami muttered embarrassed, "Is this really fine at a high school?"

"It's more than okay for me!" Mineta drooled.

Midnight cleared her throat before placing her hand on her hip. "Silence everyone, it's time for the student representative! Katsuki Bakugou of 1-A!!"

"Huhhhh? The representative is Kacchan?!" Midoriya exclaimed before Sero turn towards him with a hand under his chin.

"He was first in the entrance exam, right?"

"For the heroics entrance exam." A student from a different course grunted. f/n observed earlier that the other students don't particularly have a good opinion on the hero course. She could only watch as Bakugou made his way up the stage Midnight was on.

"I'm gonna be the one to win."

As cries of discontent sounded through the arena, Bakugou raised his thumb to slice across his neck. "You'll all make fantastic stepping stones, I'm sure."

"We'll see about that." f/n cringed as Jirou turned to her.

"Did you say something l/n?"


After the commotion was calmed, Midnight continued her instructions on the first event. This year, the first thing was an obstacle race. While the students followed the gates leading towards a tunnel out of the stadium, f/n glanced around.

This tunnel's purposefully going to be pretty tight once we all get going. I wonder if there's a way to get higher up.

"Let's get cracking...on your marks..."

f/n paid close attention to the colored light signals above the gate as she raised her arms.




What's up everyone! Hope you're enjoying the story so far, if you have any requests, comment and let me know! Don't forget to vote :)

Linnorm - BNHA x F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now