The Wild Wild WHAT?!

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"Don't think that just because this is summer break that you can just dilly dally all day. In this training camp, you will be pushing your quirks to their limits and then some. Got it?" Aizawa announced. Testing was finally over, and the classes of both 1-A and 1-B were located right outside the buses that would transport them to their final destination.

"I HEARD THAT SOME OF CLASS A WILL BE TAKING EXTRA COURSES?!" Screamed Monoma. "AND HERE I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER THAN US!" The blonde continued to laugh maniacally until his futile jabbings were quickly shut down by Kendo.

The peace and silence didn't last long however, when class 1-A student representative, Iida, began flailing his arms and ordering his peers to get on the bus in number order. Of course, nobody listened and instead chose to sit next to their friends. Jiro and l/n wanted to listen to a new album that just came out so they decided to spend their one hour long bus ride listening and commenting on the album. The ride was long and uneventful, so much so that l/n began feeling sleepy. It wasn't long until she succumbed to her tiredness and fell asleep accidently onto Jiro's shoulder. Frazzled by the sudden physical contact, the bashful girl looked around seeing if anyone could help her. Unfortunately, her classmates were all preoccupied with their own seatmates to even realize that Jiro was crying out for help. After a while, Jiro settled in to be more comfortable with the girl despite the strong embarrassment taking over her. Eventually, her back eased back into her seat and her head rested on top of f/n's as the two both went to sleep.

After who knows how long, the charter bus had stirred to a clearing. With this break, all of class 1-A descended down the stairs for a much needed break to stretch their legs. What was odd however, was the fact that the bus belonging to class 1-B wasn't anywhere on site. Rather a black car was parked next to them.

"You don't really think we stopped here so that you can stretch your legs, right?" Aizawa asked. Just then, the doors of the black car popped open revealing two cat-like super girls and a little boy?

"Your feline fantasies are here!" The red cat cheered. "Say meow!"

"Purr-fectly cat-like girls!" The blue one continued.

"And you can call us the... Wild Wild Pussycats!" They shouted in unison.

"These are the Pro Heroes you're going to be working with." Explained Aizawa, as the students stared in disbelief.

"They're a four person hero team who specializes in mountain rescues!" A very excited Midoriya exclaimed. "They were founded when we were kids, which was like forever ago!" This comment made the two girls gasp as he inadvertently revealed their ages.

Before he could go ahead and make himself out to be a bigger idiot, the blue themed cat girl shoved a paw into his face. "You must have your math wrong." She interrupted, showing off her insanely sharp claws. "I'm 18 at heart!"

"We own this whole entire plot of land," The girl in red explained, "And the camp where you'll be staying is at the base of the mountain." Upon further inspection, the students noticed how far away they still had to go in order to reach their final destination. Pieces started clicking in their head, realizing what they were about to get themselves into. Sero and a few others were the first to try to wiggle their way back onto the bus.

"The current time is 9:30 in the morning." A now scheming girl smirked. "If you're fast about it, you might be able to make it back by noon."

"No way." Kirashima shuddered. "Guys... SAVE YOURSELF!" But by then it was too late. The cat in blue had snuck her way behind them and used her quirk to send a mudslide towards the students, causing them to fall off the cliff. l/n rubbed her eyes before peering down the cliff.

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