Set Your Hearts and Stoves Ablaze!

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It was currently 5:30 in the morning, and by looking around, it was obvious to see that most of the students were still half asleep with their bedhead as obvious proof.

"Good morning class, today we'll begin a training camp that will increase your strength." Aizawa stated, he himself looked no different from the students since it seemed like he had just rolled out of bed. On the contrary, he just looks like that each day. "Our goal is to increase your quirks exponentially so that each of you can earn a provisional license. Bakugou, I want you to throw this ball."

"Just like on the first day of school, right?" He smirked. Murmurs from the other students grew as they believed that Bakugou would surpass his old self. "GO TO HELL!" He screamed as he released the ball from his grip, sending it flying across the forest. What was surprising was that he barely reached 700 meters.

"You've had a single semester here at UA." Aizawa looked nonchalant as if he expected this outcome. "While you all definitely improved your mental prowess and technical skill, your quirks themselves haven't. This training will be so grueling that it will feel like you're dying. So let's hope you survive."

'Fuck, FUCK. They have to be crazy?!' She laid in a pool of her own sweat. She was gasping for air that did seem to want to enter through her lungs.

"You idiot, get up." An exasperated Bakugou warned. "You're gonna get injured if you lay down for too long."

"Chill out, I'm getting up."

"Whatever, don't expect me to drag you to the medical room if you pass out." He called out, going back to his own station which was not too far from l/n.

In order to enhance her quirk, l/n had to subjugate herself to endless torture by retaining her dragons from 6:00am till 6:00pm. Within those twelve hours, she elongated her dragons to as far as she could reach and then farther. She whipped multiple boulders to strengthen her dragon's potency. In addition, she had worked harder at sparring with her shinai and honing her swordsmanship.

By the time six rolled around, she was not only drained but hungry too. Walking to the picnic tables was a sight to see. Rather than seeing the juicy pork chops, rice, beef and all sorts of other nutritious meals they had just the day before, there were piles of uncooked vegetables and curry blocks laying next to empty pots and pans.

"We told you that us cooking for you will be a one time thing right?" Sang Pixie-bob who handed out an assortment of utensils for the students to prepare their dinner. With a groan of frustration the students got to work, knowing that their pleas for a pass will go through one ear and out the other.

"You're gonna cut your fingers off if you do it like that." l/n grumbled. "Move." With that she took away Midoriya's knife and chopped away all the remaining carrots with such speed and uniformity.

"W-woah l/n! You're really good with that knife." Midoriya complemented, also slightly embarrassed that his terrible skills were clearly outmatched by hers.

"Tch, yeah right!" Screamed Bakugou as he continued to chop at his potatoes with the same finesse as f/n. "I'm a much better cook than you nerds!"

"Oh yeah?" She smirked, setting her knife down. "Wanna bet?"

"You don't compare to me! I'll pummel you!"

"Fine, a cooking competition then. Use whatever you see and we'll have one hour. The judges will be the heroes."

"What about the prize? I ain't wasting my time on something useless!"

"Hmm, what about the loser has to treat the winner to the best restaurant back in town!" l/n announced with a surprising enthusiasm.

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