A Hero or A Villain?

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"I'll see y'all later." f/n announced halfway out the door, hearing a muffled have a good day from her brother. Today was going to be the first day that she will be trying on her new hero outfit, she took a look at it when she first received it from the registry, but she was yet to see it in action.

While before noon classes were the regular school curriculum, f/n was slightly looking forward to the afternoon for foundational heroics studies!

As the bell rang, All Might came in shouting "IT'S MEEE COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!"

"Let's start with battle trials!!"

With that, the numbered suitcases emerged from the walls containing the students' hero suits. f/n seemed to tune out as All Might explained how they were going to have a 2 vs. 2 battle. One side being "villains"; whose goal was to protect a hidden nuclear missile, and the other being "heroes"; whose goal was to find that missile and take down the villains.

"All Might, if I may," A robotic suit with the voice of Tenya Iida spoke, "We have 21 students in our class, how do you expect to have an even pair? This is very unprofessional for a highly prestigious school like UA!"

"Haha! I like your foresight, young Iida!" All Might complimented putting his hands on his hips making one of his iconic poses. "We actually prepared for this exact situation! We are going to have a special role for one group. We'll call them the vigilante, as you know a vigilante fights for justice just as heroes do, however, they're tactics aren't always legal which makes them a wanted villain in the police's eyes. The job of the vigilante is similar to that of a hero, finding and collecting the missile and villains. However, they also need to stay clear of the heroes who want to put them under arrest!"

With that they were all put into random pairs, leaving f/n l/n all by herself. All Might then assigned each of the groups their role. As soon as the first match-up was announced, f/n stood in the back of the room watching the students on the large screen above. Glancing at the monitors, she stared intensely at the faces of her peers from middle school.

Huh, looks like it's a childhood rematch...

After watching the round proceeding, f/n silently made a few observations on the battle.

Look at their movements, figure out their mistakes, their good choices, their usage of their quirks...apply it to yourself.

The next round was much shorter, resulting in a building being completely frozen. After a few rounds, it was finally f/n's turn. It was her against the villains: Mineta and Yaoyorozu and the heroes: Kaminari and Jiro.

All Might then called the villains to head inside first and were given a few minutes to set up. Kaminari and Jiro were able to wait right outside by the front door. Unfortunately, since l/n was the vigilante and couldn't be spotted by the heroes she had to stand in the back of the building where there was no easy door excess.

When the five minutes limit was up, l/n released her dragons, the black smoke encompassing her body. Once they were fully developed, she broke the glass on the top floor and shot the two dragons up, barring their teeth into the window frame. She took a deep breath and began walking backward. Noticing how she couldn't go back any further, she raced up, praying that her dragons were dense enough to hold her weight, and began running up the wall. With a suppressed heave, f/n made her way onto the top floor.

Rather than recalling her power, she chose to pull the dragons around herself, concealing her position from the eyes of others in a cloud of smoke. f/n scouted around the top floor for a bit until she was sure that the villains weren't there. After being sure, she then continued walking towards the staircase till she paused for a brief moment.

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