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IT'S BEEN EIGHT MONTHS since Kc died on the actual day of her wedding. Even so, Blaze fulfilled his marriage promise but that was still not enough for him. He was always in the cemetery and visiting Kc's Mausoleum. It was like a painful sort of Dejavu. The events of the day when he thought Nathalie was dead, are now repeated. The memories of the wedding day are still fresh in his mind. 

He always asks himself 'Is it a curse to love him because everyone who loves him is missing and retrieved'.

The last words that Kc left out and still stamping on his mind. How can he be okay if all his loved ones are taken away from him. . .


KC RAISED HER LEFT HAND and reached for Blaze's cheek. Her hands are trembling in weakness, her eyes pleading as if begging to let her rest. . .

"T-hank you for f-ulfilling my l-ast w-ish. . ." Her voice trembled and smiled a little "Y-ou are the b-est t-hing that ever happened to me, I know I won't be long so I asked for this marriage. I-f I were still alive I would not force you to be with me, I would let you return to the one that you love, I love you so much that I can tolerate for the pleasure of your heart. But this is my last sunset and I will never be rise forever.Kc tried to speak again even though he was having a hard time "I know what's going on and I'm not blind, A-lam ko na din ang katotohanan dahil hindi iyon pinag-kakait sa akin ni Kuya L-uke. Y-ou can now follow your heart ... F-ight for her, give back what was damaged I don't want you to be sad when I l-eave."

"You are the one I chose Kc, you are the one who lives in my heart, so don't leave me" Blaze was begging, Kc clung tightly to Blaze's hand and forced herself to speak "I'm happy because I have a p-lace in your heart. B-ut I'll b-e sad if you d-on't fight for her when I leave you alone."

"She left me so I don't have to go back. And you are my wife now. You will still get better, because we will still have a child soon, right?" For the first time a bead of tears dripped from Blaze's eyes, Blaze just tries to stabilize Kc because he remains convinced that there is still hope for them. . .

Kc smiled sadly "I'm sorry if I can't do what y-ou want, as long as you r-emember I truly loved you I will w-atch you even in the afterlife" The last grain of tears dripped and fainted to look at Blaze "T-ake c-are of yourself" Kc stammered and the grip on Blaze's hand gradually loosened. . .

Multi-parameter patient monitoring began to make a sound with a straight line saying that Kc's heart was no longer beating. . .

"No!!! P-lease No!! wake u-p B-abe" Blaze pleaded. He hugged Kc tightly and slowly cried while he was stunned and speechless. . .

Kc's parents cry as they watch their lifeless daughter. They did nothing because they were so far away. They did not even hug their daughter before she lost her life. Life is really so cruel, we never know when the life that has been lent to us will be taken back. Their daughter will never rise again. While moving Kc's body on the stretcher, her happy face flashed through their minds that they would never see again. They cried even more because Kc was so kind to take her right away. Luke was just leaning against the wall and stunned. He could not believe that his sister was dead and he could not even say goodbye. . .

End of Flashback~

He laid the white rose alone and lit a candle.

"I'll take your ashes to Ladesma House. You will be able to be with your family and line up your ashes with your clans. It's your mother's request. I'm just fixing my visa and passport so we can leave by tomorrow."

He was silent for a few minutes and just stared at Kc's name 'Kclyn Coleman Ledesma- Delvaje'.

"Happy 2nd Anniversary to us. . . dalawang buwan na lang ay Wedding Anniversary na natin at Death anniversary mo. Ang saklap naman ng pag iwan mo sa akin, hindi pa ako handa ng araw na iyon" he said sadly. "This is supposed to be the payment for all my sins. . . I hope the lord will forgive me" aniya. He slowly stood up and said goodbye to Kc's ashes "I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up. . . you're going home."

On his way he passed Nathalie's fake grave, he remembered the days and nights he had not left that grave assuming Nathalie was dead. "Nasaan na kaya siya ngayon" he mumbled. The last they met was there on the Island and he never saw Nathalie again. She hadn't received any news from Luke about her, but that maybe was good so they could forget about each other more easily.

Nathalie had begged him not to tell anyone who she was because the lives of those connected to her would be more endangered. So he did not tell Vanessa the truth for her own good. 'I just hope she is in good shape'.

The next day he flew with Luke carrying Kc's ashes. When they arrived at Ladesma House he met Kc's family and her royal relatives. He was a little ashamed of the state of his life, if in what he thought he was rich, there was someone richer than him. He also stayed there for a few months with Luke and they did not know when they would return to the Philippines again. . .

His Midnight MistressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon