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A fisherman passed by but it was too far from their place. She shouted several times but the fisherman could not hear her because of its distance. Her voice was hoarse but the fisherman just passed their yacht. She was losing hope that it would still hear her. She angrily entered the room and saw Blaze sleeping soundly and seemed to not care if they were trapped in the middle of the sea.

She approached him and slapped him on his chest. Blaze gripped Sabrina's hands tightly and leaned over on top of her "What's your problem?" astonishment he asked.

"There was a fisherman who passed by who could help us but you were still there sleeping... You don't seem to care if we get trapped in the middle of the sea" Sabrina said tearyly then tried to loosen Blaze's tight grip on her wrist.

"I do care...But you will just get tired even if you shout there no one will hear you. Can you just wait for someone to help us? my phone has GPS so I'm sure that when they find out I'm missing they'll look for me... us!!" disgusted Blaze said.

They stared at each other for a few minutes and dangerously approached his face into Sabrina's face. Their breaths hit and Sabrina seductively touched Blaze's jaw. They stared intimately and Sabrina suddenly smiled foolishly. "If you think you can get me with your sticky gaze, you are mistaken."

Sabrina was about to get up when he pressed his body to hers so that Sabrina could not get loose. "Maybe I can get you this way."

Blaze kissed Sabrina's lips aggressively until she couldn't let go and responded as well. Their kiss deepened until it turned to the fury of a sin.

Sabrina woke up late at night. She remembered the mistake she had made earlier. She was swallowed by lust. She doesn't know if it is a good thing because she faints with extreme hunger before anything happens to them. She didn't eat because of the thought of how they could get out of the middle of the sea. This is why she is afraid of being eaten by temptation and she will not be able to control herself. When that happens, it will be a failure of her plan... her life.

Blaze has a strong suspicion that Sabrina is hiding something. And he would find it, he felt different when they were close. Her lips are also very familiar to him. Her cold eyes?, he knew she was just pretending he always sees that in Kc so he is aware. There is something strange about Sabrina that he can't figure out.

He felt Sabrina suddenly get up from the bed as well as carefully close the door. He heard Sabrina growl to find a signal. He just shook his head because of her erratic behavior.

Sabrina suddenly screamed with joy "Ghad, may signal na!!," She grinned and immediately called for help to get stuck on Blaze's yacht. "Hello, Gavyn?--."

"Sabrina?... The hell where are you? I thought I've lost you" said Gavyn, full of concern and restless.

"I was stuck in the middle of the sea and I needed help, I was on a yacht right now" aniya.

"Just stay there for a while--" Gavyn said flatly.

"W-hat? N-o way!!--"

"The Hidalgo are looking for you, they found out that you are in the Philippines ... so you better be there first. I will pick you up myself when everything is okay... Bye."

"B-ut w-ait I'm with--"... Gavyn dropped the call. She was just scratched and devalued "Gosh-- F*ck life!!" She was caught in the act and threw her phone into the water so that it could not be tracked by the Hidalgo. There is a tracking device attached to the pin of her dress that is only for Gavyn's Organization so she is sure that Gavyn can track her right away.

"Is there any problem? Why did you throw away your phone?" Blaze suddenly appeared.

"Ghad you again!!... you've shocked me again!!"

"Yeah I did," Blaze said sarcastically. "Anyway, is there a problem?"

"It's nothing?"Sabrina turned away and entered the mini kitchen to eat because she was already hungry. She ate whatever could be eaten then grabbed a cup of Ice cream. She sat on the stool and ate Ice cream Blaze came and sat down next to her. Sabrina was quietly eating as she sipped the ice cream and spilled it on her clothes. "O-w shit!!" she hissed. Blaze stared at Sabrina then touched her palm "What are you doing?" Sabrina asked in astonishment. Blaze scooped up some Ice cream and rubbed it on her palm "You said you would do everything I wanted, I'm claiming it right now" he said seductively. She gulped in intimidating pressure, she took a deep breath as Blaze licked and sucked her finger.

Her chest throbbed but Blaze gave her a different feeling. She gulped and tried to hide her emotions "This is wrong" She let go of Blaze but he crushed her with a kiss so she couldn't let go because of the tightness of his grip on her waist. She took a deep breath and did not move. She was stunned and fear enveloped her body. When she felt Blaze's hand crawling over her body, she slapped him in shock "I am married!!" She immediately left the kitchen ran to the yacht room and locked the door.

She leaned against the door and was full of resentment. She doesn't want to admit that she still loves him. She doesn't want to think that his love will be taken advantage of, But that's what's happening to the two of them. How easy it is to say that she will forget him too, But just a little bit of holding and kissing makes her lose herself. The truth is, she still has feelings for Blaze and she's in pain and can't admit to herself that Blaze loves someone else.

Blaze is on the deck and deep in thought, the truth is he will only test Sabrina if she gives it up and if she does, he will dig Nathalie's grave again to confirm his suspicion. And from what he sees, Sabrina is just holding back, if she really loves her husband she will never let him come near to her. He could see the lust in Sabrina's eyes every time his lips touched her body.

In the evening they ate together and were quiet in their seats, he glanced at Sabrina who was silent and only compelled to partake of the meal with him. Even though she was finished eating, Sabrina stood up and went out. He followed her gripped her arm tightly and pinned her to the wall. He stared at her intently and touched her lip "If I ravish your lips, will you still be flattered?" he asked seductively.

Sabrina gulped because of the intense pressure between the two of them, "W-hy are you d-oing this to m-e? Are you p-unishing me?" she stuttered asking.

"Bakit naman kita paparusahan? I'm just taking your payment"

"B-ut you h-aven't taken me to the city yet"

"I accept advance payment"

His Midnight MistressTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon