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Chapter sixteen

"In need of medical supplies."

Katniss was standing by the door, waiting for them to get back "he's losing too much blood." Maggie could be heard saying "open the door!" Rick yelled, as Katniss turned around unlocking it, she opened it, as everyone else came running up "it's Hershel!" Rick voiced, as wheeled him in "go, go, in there!" Rick voiced, as the others followed him, Katniss closed the door as T Dog looked at her, as the sound of them lifting Hershel could be heard, Katniss turned around "oh, I need bandages." Carol said "we used everything we had." Glenn told her "well, get more. Anything." Carol said.

"Carl, go get the towels from the bag, right next to my bed." Lori told him, as Carl went running out of the room and to his mother's room "get some pillows!" Carol then yelled, as Rick came running out, Carl ran past him and into the room, hearing the sound of keys hitting the table, Katniss turned around seeing Daryl standing at the table, she whistled as he turned to her "lock it." he whispered, looking back to the door, aiming his crossbow and when he did, Katniss locked the door, she then watched as five prisoners walked in.

"That's far enough." Daryl told them "cell block C cell four..that's mine gringo. Let me in." the first man told Daryl "today's your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgie. You're free to go." Daryl told them "what you got going on in there?" the first guy "ain't none of your concern." Daryl told them "don't be telling me what's my concern." the first guy said, pulling out a gun, Daryl took a step closer "chill, man. Dude's leg is messed up. Besides were free now. Why are we still in here?" the bigger one asked.

"Man's got a point." Daryl said "yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady." the bigger one said "civilians breaking into a prison you've not business being in..got me thinking there's no place for us to go." the first one said "why don't you go find out?" Daryl asked "maybe we'll just be going now." the last one said "hey, we ain't leaving." the first one said, as T Dog came walking around the wall, aiming his gun at them "you ain't coming in neither." he told him, as the first man pointed his gun at him, Katniss's eyes went wide "hey, this is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please." the first man said.

Rick then walked out of the cell and as he did, he noticed Katniss standing right at the door, but before he could go over to her, he heard footsteps as he turned seeing Glenn, where Daryl and T Dog continued arguing with the prisoners "I'm not gonna tell you again!" Daryl voiced, and some more words were exchanged "I'm getting tired of your mouth!" Daryl voiced, as Rick ran up behind Katniss, he put his hand on her shoulder, as Katniss turned to him "I need you to try and find the infirmary." he told her.

"But you said.." Katniss told him "I know what I said. But Hershel's in bad shape. If he's gonna have any chance of surviving we need all the medicine we can get. And your fast on your feet, if something goes wrong you can get out of there before something happens to you." Rick shared, as Katniss nodded "okay." she told him, as she turned to the door, she unlocked it and opened it, as Rick slipped through, Katniss quickly shut it "there ain't nothing for you here. Why don't you go back to your own sandbox?" Daryl asked "hey, hey, hey!" Rick voiced.

As Katniss turned around, noticing Carl standing behind her, she handed him the keys, as she fixed her bow an arrow over her shoulder and began walking off, Carl furrowed his brows, following after her "where are you going?" he asked her "somewhere you can't follow." Katniss told him, heading to the open door in the back that lead to the rest of the prison "but you can't go out there alone?" Carl asked her "your dad just gave me permission. Stay here. I'll see you when I get back." Katniss shared, opening the metal door, she walked out, heading down the hallway.

Having her bow at the ready, Katniss had her flashlight in her mouth as she walked down the hallway, there was two already dead walkers on the ground, just to make sure she clamped her bow into one hand, pulling out her knife, she stabbed the one on the left in the head and turned doing the same to the one on the right, as she stood back up continuing to walk, a door was on her right and as she stepped inside of it, she found the infirmary, as she put her knife in her pocket, she put her bow an arrow around her, as she walked over to the bag on the counter, she grabbed it.

Crouching down, she opened the cabinets on the bottom, pulling out the gauze and bottles of peroxide, as she stood up, she threw the bag onto the counter and climbed onto it, opening the cabinets above, she began grabbing all the medicine bottles as she turned throwing them into the bag, she turned to open the next cabinet, but as she did, she heard a noise in the hallway as she stopped moving, bringing her hand down, she pulled her gun out of her holster, as she hopped off the counter, she quietly walked to the door and as she did, the footsteps on the outside were getting closer, she quickly stepped out, she had her gun raised, at Carl.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked, bringing her gun down as she turned walking into the infirmary, Carl followed her in "I came to help. I saw you took down two walkers." he shared "they were already dead when I got here." Katniss shared, climbing back on the counter, she began grabbing more of what was left of the supplies, as Carl began looking as well, the two then walked up to the bag putting what they found inside, Katniss zipped it up and tossed it over her shoulder, as she began walking out, Carl quickly followed after her.

Heading down the hallway, the two made it back to the cell block, as Carl opened the door, Katniss walked in behind him, as Glenn looked at them "I thought you were organizing the food?" he asked "even better." Carl told him, as he and Katniss walked up to the room, Katniss threw the bag down, Maggie unzipped it, looking at all the medical supplies "where did you get this?" Carol asked "Rick told me to find the infirmary. I grabbed whatever was left." Katniss shared "we did." Carl told her "no. He followed me." Katniss said "you went by yourselves?" Lori asked.

"Yeah." Katniss and Carl told her "are you crazy?" Lori asked "the walkers down there were already dead." Katniss shared "you..all right, do you see this? This was with the whole group." Lori shared "which is why Rick told me to go! He knew we needed supplies!" Katniss voiced "I appreciate that!" Lori voiced "he told me to go alone! Cause if anything went wrong I was fast enough to get out of there! But nothing happened! Carl following me down there isn't my fault!" she voiced "Katniss!" Beth voiced, as Katniss looked to her "you can't talk to her like that." Beth told her "listen, I think it's great that you wanna help.." Lori shared, as Katniss turned running out of there, and as she did, Carl followed after her, but whens he headed through the door and down the hallway he knew she wanted to be alone.

Sitting in the infirmary, Katniss wasn't sure how long she was sitting there by herself, as footsteps could be heard, she gripped her bow incase she had to use it, but she didn't have to because it wasn't a walker that had walked in, as Rick came over and sat next to her "I did what you told me to do. Carl followed after me. That was his choice. And I get blamed for it. It wasn't my fault." Katniss shared "Lori knows that. She..everyone with what happened with Hershel put them on edge." Rick shared, as Katniss looked to him, noticing the blood "what happened with you?" she asked.

As Rick sighed "one of those prisoners threw a walker on me." he shared "did you kill him?" Katniss asked, as Rick looked to her "what do you think?" he asked her "well good cause if anyone hurts you? I'll hurt them." Katniss told him "yeah.." Rick told her, putting his hand on her shoulder "we should get back before they all think something happened to us." he shared, standing up and as he did, so did Katniss, as the two of them began walking out of there.

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