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Chapter forty three

"You take us to her right now." 

Rick was running down the street, going after officer Lansom who had escaped from their custody, he didn't slow down, not even as the walker came up on his right, as he cut it's stomach open as he passed, making it to the cop car, he threw his machete in it and got inside of it, starting up the engine and driving off and as he turned the corner, walkers were in front of him but so was officer Lansom, as he drove around the walkers and continued after Lansom, he grabbed the CB and pressed down on the button "stop." he said, letting go of it.

But Lansom didn't stop running, as Rick got closer to him, he pressed down on the button "stop right now. Stop. I won't ask again." he said, putting the CB down, he continued driving toward's and hit him with the car, sending Lansom to the ground, Lansom looked ahead of him and saw another car driving up, the car stopped as Lacari got out of it "what the hell?" he asked "Lacari, help me." Lansom told him, as Rick got out of his car, he aimed his gun at Lacari "the girl. Is she alive?" he asked him "what girl?" Lacari asked, as Rick shot him in the leg, Lacari went down to his knees, as he screamed.

Rick walked toward's Lansom "you crazy..you crazy son of a bitch. I think you..I think you broke my back." Lansom shared "it didn't have to be like this. You just had to stop." Rick told him "we don't know you, man." Lacari told him, as Rick looked to him "I'll get to you." he told him, looking back at Lansom "but I think..I think I'm getting the idea." Lansom shared "you just had to stop." Rick told him "take me back. Take us back to the hospital. I did it so you could find that girl." Lansom shared "not after this, no. Can't go back, Bob." Rick told him.

"I was gonna iron it over. She's under it. And you've been out here too long." Lansom shared, as Rick aimed his gun at his head "you'll die. You'll all.." Lansom said, as Rick shot him "shut up." he said, as he turned walking over to Lacari "no, no, the girl! She's alive! At the hospital! I saw her bit they were gonna run some tests on her!" Lacari voiced, as Rick bent down and grabbed him "what kinds of tests?" he asked him "I don't know!" Lacari voiced, as Rick took his gun from him, he pulled him off the ground and dragged him to the cop car.

Making it back to the others, Rick dragged Lacari in, everyone looked to him, as Rick put him down next to officer Shepherd, he walked off, as Daryl followed him "he wouldn't stop. But this one he took Katniss." he shared "this change things?" Daryl asked "it has to." Rick told him "maybe not." Daryl told him "no, this guy he told me they were running tests on Katniss. And when I asked what kind he didn't know. But if they think they can use her to make a cure? They'll kill her." Rick shared, as Daryl turned looking at the officers, he began walking over to them, as Rick followed.

"He was a good man. He was attacked by rotters. Saw it go down." officer Shepherd shared "you're a damn good liar." Rick told her "we're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters that's the story." Shepherd shared "how are they gonna believe that especially when you're buddy here just brought them a kid to experiment on!" Daryl voiced, as Shepherd looked to Lacari "the girl was bit. Dr Edwards said it looked days old." Lacari shared, as Shepherd looked to them "this could still work. Swap us for your people, we'll give you the girl back and just let you go." she shared "if this is some bullshit you're spinning and things go south.." Daryl shared.

"I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you." Shepherd told them, as Rick looked to Lacari "what about you? You wanna live? How much?" he asked "Dawn's afraid she'll look weak in front of us. Think's it'll tip things against her. Hell, it will. She'll see this trade as a rip off if she think you took out one of our guys. So it's a good thing Lansom got aced by rotters." Lacari shared, as Rick turned looking at Daryl, Daryl nodded.

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