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Chapter thirty

"The only ones who can help the others."

They then had their next meeting but it was only Katniss, Daryl, Carol, Glenn and Hershel where Michonne was in there to as they all sat in the library "it's spread. Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D. Sasha, Caleb, and now others." Hershel shared "oh, jesus." Daryl said "so what do we do?" Carol asked "first things first. Cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David." Hershel shared "but we should make it a quarantine zone. Nobody except the sick can go in. I mean somebody killed Karen and David. Brutally." Katniss shared.

"What the hell are we gonna do about that?" Daryl asked "ask Rick to look into it. Try to make a timeline..who's where when. But what are we gonna do to stop this?" Carol asked "there is no stopping it. You get it, you have to go through it." Hershel told them "but it just kills you?" Michonne asked "the illness doesn't. The symptoms do. We need antibiotics." Hershel shared "we've through every pharmacy nearby. And then some." Daryl shared "then we go further out." Katniss said.

"That veterinary college at west peachtree tech, that's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication. The drugs for animals there are the same we need." Hershel shared "that's fifty miles. Too big a risk before. Ain't now." Daryl shared, looking to her "me and you and whoever else we can get are gonna go out there." he shared, as the two of them stood up "best not waste any more time." Daryl said, as Michonne walked toward's them "I'm in." she told them "you haven't been exposed. The Dixons have. You get in a car with them.." Hershel informed her.

"He's already given me fleas." Michonne shared, as Hershel chuckled, standing up "I can lead the way. I know where everything's kept." he told them "when we're out there, it's always the same. Sooner or later we run." Daryl shared "I can draw you a map." Hershel told them, as they all went to walk out "Katniss?" Hershel asked, as Katniss turned to him "seeing as there's no telling when you'll return, we should also separate the vulnerable. Used the administration building. Separate office, separate room." Hershel shared "who is the most vulnerable?" Glenn asked "the young." Hershel told him "what about the old?" Glenn asked, as Katniss turned walking out, Daryl followed her.

Where the car they chose to take was Zach's Porsche because it was the fastest one they got and seeing as Zach talked about it all the time to Katniss even when she didn't ask, she knew how to take care of it and what it needed, where he always kept telling her that the engine fluid needed to be refilled, which is why she was in tower three grabbing it, she began walking back to the car and as she did, Michonne was standing there with Daryl and as Michonne looked to her, she noticed the necklace that Carl had picked up on the sidewalk around her neck "Carl give that to you?" she asked.

And when she did, Katniss looked down at the necklace, having not known it fell out from underneath her jacket when she grabbed the engine fluid, but when she looked at it, she knew she couldn't leave with it, as she looked up, handing the engine fluid to Michonne "I'll be back." she told them, as Michonne took the engine fluid, Katniss turned around walking off.

Heading to the administration building, Katniss knew Carl would be here "Carl?" she asked, and as she did, she heard footsteps running, as she turned to the left, seeing Carl come down the hallway "something happen?" he asked her, as Katniss shook her head "no, I, um...I just came here to tell you that I'm leaving. We need antibiotics and me, my dad, Michonne and I don't know who else are going to get them." she shared, and as she did, Carl stepped toward's her and when he did, Katniss took a step back "don't, okay? I'm not gonna be the reason you get sick." she told him, putting her bow an arrow down.

She brought her hands behind her neck, unclasping her necklace, she put it down on the floor and as she did, she grabbed her bow an arrow and stood back up, as she put her foot on the necklace and slid it over to him "something to remember me. If things go bad." she told him, as Carl bent down picking it up, Katniss took that as her chance to turn and leave, where as Carl stood back up and looked ahead of him, she was gone, as he looked back down at the necklace, he clutched it in his hand.

Making it back to the car, Tyreese and Bob were coming with them, where as they all piled in, Daryl was driving while Katniss sat in the passenger seat, Michonne, Tyreese and Bob were in the back, as they were driving down the road, Daryl looked at Katniss "you said goodbye to Carl, didn't you?" he asked her "how can it be a goodbye when I didn't even give him a chance to say anything." Katniss told him, looking out the window, Daryl then leaned toward's the radio messing with it as it crackled "would you hand me one of them CD's right there?" he asked.

As Katniss opened the case of CD's "why?" she asked "find sanctuary..." a voice said over the radio "was that a voice?" Bob asked "shh." Daryl told him "determined to survive.." the voice said, as Daryl kept messing with it "..keep alive." the voice said, as Katniss noticed walkers in the road "look out!" she voiced, as Daryl quickly looked up, hitting the walker, he swerved, going toward's another he hit it as well along with the next one, where he then began driving straight again but soon stopped as there was an entire herd in front of them, they began to be surrounded.

"Grab something!" Daryl voiced, turning around, he reversed, hitting into all of the one's behind them "go to the left." Michonne said, pointing at it from the backseat, Daryl then tried to go forward but the wheels were spinning and not going anywhere "you ran all of the walkers over! We're stuck!" Katniss voiced "make a run for the gaps right there." Daryl told her, as Katniss took her knife out of her boot, her dad looked to the back "you three, you make a run for the woods and you don't stop for nothing, you hear me?" he asked "Daryl!" Michonne voiced "now!" Daryl voiced, as he opened the sun roof.

Katniss opened the passenger side door, as Michonne got out of the back, the two of them stood together, killing the walkers that were in their way, Daryl joined them as they headed toward's the woods, the three of them were making it there without getting hurt, gunfire could be heard behind them, as the three of them made it there, they looked back, seeing Bob run through, Daryl shot one of the walkers that came at him, the four of them then saw Tyreese standing amongst all the other walkers fighting them off "come on." Daryl told them, as they turned heading into the woods, leaving him behind.

Running through the woods, walkers were coming at them from every angle, as Michonne cut one of their heads off, Katniss and Daryl shot the two of them that were in front of them with their bows, as Bob hit one of them with his gun "go!" Daryl voiced, as he shoved Katniss forward, she ran to the right toward's the clearing, Daryl, Bob and Michonne soon followed after her.

They then made it to the other side of the woods, but then rustling could be heard behind them, as Katniss notched an arrow, she spun around aiming her bow "hold up." Daryl said, as he turned doing the same, Michonne and Bob followed behind them, as they all moved forward.

Two walkers came out of the woods and Katniss and Daryl were ready to shoot them until one of them fell over, revealing Tyreese, he then fell to his knees, Michonne went forward stabbing the last one in the head, while Daryl went over and pulled Tyreese up "come on." he told him as him and Bob dragged him along, more walkers came out of the woods, as Katniss and Michonne turned around, running after them.

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