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Chapter thirty four

"Looking for those lost."

Running through the woods, Katniss was running and as she did, Daryl and Beth were behind her as walkers were chasing them, the three stopped and as they did, Beth tried to shoot the one that was coming toward's her but as she did, she was out of bullets, just like Katniss was a while back where she was now down to arrows and her knife, as Daryl shot the walker with his crossbow, Katniss then stabbed the one behind him in the head, as Daryl then kicked the other one over, he then grabbed his crossbow bolt, as the three took off running once more, still being followed.

Where the three never stopped running, ever since the prison fell, they were killing walkers left and right, only stopping for a night before getting up and moving, where they came running out of the woods and into a field, moving through the tall grass, they stopped for a second to catch their breath but then kept running as the sun began going down, they then made it to a spot that was empty as they fell down, panting, they looked up at the sky, vultures were circling above them.

That night, the three were sitting in the woods by a tree with a fire in between them "we should do something." Beth said, as she looked at Katniss and Daryl, but like always the two didn't say anything, although believing that the governor killed Rick and that Carl was dead even being with her dad wasn't enough for her where she had just shut down, choosing to no longer speak "we should do something." Beth said again, expecting a different result but got the same "we aren't the only survivors. We can't be. Rick, Michonne, Carl, they could be out here. Maggie and Glenn could've made it out of A block. They could've." Beth told them.

But neither Katniss nor Daryl once again said anything "you're trackers." Beth said as she stood up "you both can track. Come on. The sun will be up soon. If we head out now, we can.." she told them, seeing the two just staring into the fire "fine. If you two won't track, I will." she told them, grabbing her knife, she stomped off into the dark woods, as Katniss grabbed her bow, she put it around her and began snuffing out the fire, while Daryl stood up grabbing his crossbow, the two walked off after her.

And daylight did soon come, where Beth was walking ahead of them, as Katniss and Daryl walked to the far right of her, Katniss stopped motioning with her head toward's the ground, Daryl crouched down shifting through the leaves, Beth walked over as Daryl then blew on the leaves as footprints could be seen "could be Lukes. Or Molly's. Whoever they are, it means they're alive." Beth shared "anh. This means they were alive four or five hours ago." Daryl shared "they're alive." Beth said, as she turned walking off, Katniss began following after her along with Daryl.

Where they headed down a small trail in the woods, where they soon found more footprints "they picked up the pace right here. Got out in a hurry. Things went bad." Daryl shared "wouldn't kill you to have a little faith." Beth said, turning away from them "yeah, faith. Faith ain't done shit for us. Sure as hell didn't do nothing for your father." Daryl shared, as Beth turned to him, Katniss felt her eyes as she turned around along with Daryl, Beth then put her knife away as she turned collecting berries from the tree "they'll be hungry when we find them." she shared, as Daryl pulled a bandana out, handing it to her, Beth took it putting the berries in it, Katniss turned walking off and as she did, Daryl followed her along with Beth.

Where they were walking through the woods once again and as they did, they found two dead walkers up ahead, Katniss grabbed the plant nearby noticing blood on it "what?" Beth asked, as Daryl looked at it "that ain't walker blood." he told her "the trail keeps going." Beth told them, continuing to walk as she stepped over the walker "they fought em off." she said, stopping "no. Got walker tracks all up and down here." Daryl shared, as Beth turned to them "at least a dozen of em." Daryl said, as a twig snapped, Beth pulled out her knife.

Katniss notched an arrow and as she did, the walker came up behind Beth and as it did, Katniss drew her bow, shooting it in the head, before it could touch her, it fell down, as Beth turned around looking at it, Katniss walked over, stepping her foot on it and pulled her arrow out "come on." Daryl said, as he began walking off, Beth followed him, as Katniss followed behind.

Heading out of the woods, they made it to railroad tracks, and near them were three walkers having fed on three different corpses and eating three more, where Daryl shot the one to the left, Katniss notched her arrow again and shot it into one of the two, then she notched another arrow shooting the other one, she then put her bow around her as she walked forward to collect her arrows, she ripped both of them out of the walkers heads at the same time, as Daryl got his, he then turned around picking up his crossbow.

The two went to walk off, as they stopped hearing Beth crying behind them, they turned around looking at her, Katniss turned around and began walking down the railroad tracks as Daryl followed her, the two stopped again, as Beth was still crying, they turned and looked at her.

Where that night, they stopped once again and made a fire, where Beth always threw a page from her journal into it to keep it burning.

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