Chapter twenty seven
"Sent to kill you."
Michonne had come back and not long after did Daryl but Merle was dead, and the plan moving forward was to make it look like they had left the prison, as they all were packing up their things, Katniss braided her hair for the first time in a while, as she zipped up her jacket, hiding the necklace Carl had given her underneath it, she was making sure her weapons were loaded as she put her knife in her boot, checked the amount of bullets she had before putting it in her holster, she then grabbed her bag off the table and put it on, then grabbed her bow an arrow and headed out.
Walking up to the car, she passed Rick, as Carl was walking behind her "Carl." Rick told him, reaching for him, Carl pulled his arm out of his hold, as the two walked behind the van, giving Beth their bag as they put them in the trunk.
They all had then got in their vehicles and left, heading into the woods, they hid them all underneath branches, where the others had headed back to the prison, Katniss, Carl, Beth, Judith and Hershel were hiding behind the van from any danger, where they could hear the sound of the machine gun in the distance, announcing to them that the governor and his men had arrived, followed by an explosion of some kind, but soon it went quiet again.
But soon the alarm and more gunfire could be heard from the prison "we should be there." Carl said, as Katniss shook her head "no." she told him, as the alarm and gunfire in the distance stopped, someone could be heard running through the woods, as the three of them turned around, Katniss stood up running off and as she did, she soon stopped, hearing the person coming closer, she notched an arrow and drew her bow back and as she did, a teenage boy came into her view, where when he saw her, he threw a knife at her, as she let her arrow fly, the knife cut her in the forehead "ah!" she voiced, as she fell to the ground.
The teenage boy was still running at her, as Katniss sat up she drew another arrow, shooting it at him, he dodged it, as Katniss drew another one, he dodged it to as he tackled her to the ground, the two rolled around and as they did, the boy was much stronger then her as he pinned her down, he pulled out another knife, as Katniss brought her hand up, holding it back, she then brought her other hand up to his face, pulled his beanie over his eyes, he then tried to stab her, as Katniss moved her head out of the way.
The boy then took his beanie off his head and head butted her "they told me you would be hard to kill." he told her, holding the knife up against her neck while his other hand held her wrists over her head "you know me and my dad planned to kill your little friend and the old man while the rest of you were out." he shared, as Katniss groaned, trying to break free "so when I was asked to come find you and kill you, I jumped at the opportunity." the boy told her, digging the knife into her neck, not noticing Carl slowly walking up to them from the left, he brought his gun up, aiming it at him.
The boy smirked at Katniss, as he brought the knife up to stab her, a gunshot went off as the boy fell off of her, Katniss was breathing heavy she sat up looking in the direction the gunshot came from, Carl was running over to her as he fell down wrapping his arms around her, Katniss hugged him back, Carl pulled away from her and as he did, he noticed she was bleeding as he brought his hand up to the cut on her forehead, Katniss stared at him knowing he saved her life.
The two of them then met back up with Beth and Hershel as they made it back to the prison, they were walking through the cell block and into the cafeteria where when Michonne saw Katniss her eyes went wide "what happened?" she asked, as Rick quickly looked from Judith to her "he was sent to kill me." Katniss mumbled, having been replaying his monologue over and over in her head on the way back, Rick put his hands on her shoulders and moved her to sit down "he didn't even hesitate." Katniss said.
"Carol find me something to stitch her up with." Hershel shared, as Carol began digging through the bags, Hershel sat down next to Katniss "look at me, sweetheart." he told her, as Katniss turned to him "he was gonna kill you too. That boy. He was with those people Rick sent away. He said him and his dad planned to kill you and Carl while everyone else was gone." she shared, as Hershel looked at her with wide eyes "Katniss, are you hurt anywhere else?" Rick asked her, as Katniss looked to him.
"He was gonna stab her." Carl said, as Rick looked to him "I took him out." Carl told him, as Carol came up to Hershel handing him the needle and thread to stitch her up "I'm sorry you had to do that." Rick told him "it was him or her. I wasn't gonna let it be her." Carl shared, as Rick nodded "yeah.." he said, standing up and walking off "this is gonna hurt." Hershel told her "I don't know about that." Katniss told him, as Hershel chuckled, he looked at Carl "you can hold her hand." he told him, as Carl stepped forward, he grabbed Katniss's hand, as Hershel began to stitch up the wound on her forehead, Katniss winced as she squeezed Carl's hand, Carl squeezed her hand back.
Where Daryl, Rick and Michonne had headed to woodbury, Maggie and Glenn had stayed back to help fight off the governor incase he came back, where Katniss couldn't sleep that night where she sat out on the walkway keeping watch, hoping to see her father's headlights of his motorcycle or the trucks but they never came, as Carl had come and sat with her, the two didn't say anything for a while, as Katniss turned and looked at him "thank you." she told him, and when she did, Carl turned and looked at her "always." he told her, as Katniss turned and looked back out at the road.
The others hadn't returned till the next morning but they weren't alone as a bus followed them in, Maggie and Glenn were down below opening the gate for them, as Katniss, Carl, Beth, Carol and Hershel all came walking out, Tyreese walked out of the bus and was helping a lot of women off of it, Rick came walking over to Katniss and Carl "what is this?" Carl asked "they're gonna join us." Rick told them, as they looked back at the bus, Katniss turned walking off and as she did, Carl followed after her.

Safe and sound, Carl Grimes
FanfictionIn what used to be the human race, it was now destroyed, having been taken over by the dead that have come back and decided to feast on the living, but they're are few survivors left and two of them happen to be kids. Katniss Dixon who even at twelv...