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Chapter twenty eight

"You almost got us all killed."

And from bringing those people in and the governor no longer being a threat, things changed fast around the prison, Rick had stepped down as he said, became a farmer, had put his gun away along with Carl's where Hershel, Sasha, Glenn, Carol, Daryl and Katniss were all on the board where they voted and made decisions keeping things together and then Katniss would be going out on lots of runs so her and Carl practically barely saw each other anymore not even in passing cause either one was up earlier then the other or the other mostly Katniss didn't come back in till later.

Although now seeing as they both were fourteen, anytime the two saw each other, their friendship that they had always felt like it was leading into something more now so Katniss seeing as they were hitting the big spot today had hopped down from the top bunk, and got dressed for the day, as she braided her hair, she grabbed her jacket and zipped it up, as she slipped her boots on, she stuck her knife in one of them, as she then began looking for her gun, she couldn't find it as Carl's comic books were everywhere, she huffed, moving them out of the way.

Carl opened his eyes and turned around watching her as she found her gun and checked the amount of bullets she had, she then put it in her holster, as she leaned down to grab her bow, he saw the necklace he had given her dangling from her neck, where as she picked up her bow and put it over her shoulder, she quickly tucked the necklace underneath her jacket and turned walking to the door, there was a sheet hanging in front of it, as she moved it and slipped out.

Carl then quickly got up, getting ready for the day, he ran out of the room and outside in hopes of catching her at breakfast before she left and he had to help his dad on the farm, but when he made it to the food and looked at everyone, he saw his friend Patrick talking to her as he was trying to give her food "I was telling your dad how thankful I am for that deer you two brought in yesterday. It was a real treat." he shared, as Katniss grabbed a piece of bread pulling it apart, she took a bite out of it "I would be honored to shake your hand." Patrick told her, holding his hand out to her, Katniss furrowed her brows.

Carl looked on feeling a little bit of jealousy, he could barely even get a minute to talk to her and Patrick catches her at breakfast and gets to have a whole conversation with her and she stands around and waits "your welcome..." Katniss trailed off, biting into her bread again, she turned walking off, not shaking his hand, which Carl thought of as a win for him, as he began to walk off to grab his own breakfast and then head down to his dad, he noticed a teenage boy walk up to Katniss as he snatched other piece of bread out of her hand "damn you, Zach!" Katniss voiced, reaching for it.

Zach laughed as he stepped away from her "guess who's going on the run with you guys?" he asked "what? No, we.." Katniss said, turning and looking to the fences, seeing they were really bad, she huffed, biting into her bread, she walked off, as Zach followed her "I'm stepping up to help." he shared "no, no, stepping up to help is when you know how to actually kill a walker! You coming along is more like a baby doe learning how to walk for the first time!" Katniss voiced, as they passed the motorcycle and walked up to the van and truck they were taking with them as well, Daryl, Glenn and Sasha laughed, as Tyreese looked at her.

As Zach pointed at Katniss "I'm gonna prove you wrong." he told her "highly doubt that." Katniss told him, as she started to help put things in "hey." Bob said, as they all looked to him "I'd like to start pulling my weight around here." Bob shared "Bob, it's only been a week." Sasha told him "that's a week worth of meals, roof over my head. Let me earn my keep." Bob shared "you were out on your own when Daryl found you." Sasha told him "that's right." Bob said "I just want to make sure you know how to play on a team." Sasha shared.

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