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Chapter twenty two

"I would never be safe with somebody else."

By the next morning, Katniss was worried about Rick, so she had changed her clothes, put her shoes on and put her hair in a ponytail as she found her bow an arrow and grabbed a gun and when she did, she saw Rick no longer up on the walkway putting up wood for when someone was on lookout and gunshots followed but heading outside, as she followed him, cause she wasn't afraid of him shooting her, she was afraid of him hurting himself, as she followed him through the front gate and down into the field toward's the graves that had been made.

Where she was standing not that far behind him, when he turned and looked at her and she knew he had seen her, as she held up her bow "we need food." she told him, as Rick nodded "let's..let's go." he told her, motioning toward's the gate, he began walking, as Katniss followed after him, Rick unlocked the gate, as the two walked out of it, and up to the one that would lead them toward's the woods, Rick unlocked that one as the two walked through it and then opened up the hole in the fence, as they walked out of it and began walking on the side of it as they headed to the woods.

The two had then been walking in silence, as Katniss noticed rabbit tracks on the ground, she had an arrow notched as she followed it, Rick walked behind her noticing them, where as something scampered past, Katniss saw the squirrel run up the tree as she aimed her bow, she let her arrow fly as she shot it, imbedding it into the tree, she then walked up to it and pulled the arrow out of the tree, she walked up and handed it to Rick, as she walked past "with my dad no longer around if we're gonna wanna catch hunt faster we should probably set up some snares." she shared, pulling out another arrow, she notched it.

Rick looked at the squirrel on the arrow and followed after her, where him not talking didn't bother Katniss, she thought it was at least a step up from him yelling and screaming like he was yesterday, as they continued following the rabbit tracks.

Having come across the rabbit, it was white and had a bushy tail as it was chomping on some leaves on the ground, Katniss lifted up her bow and took aim, shooting it, the rabbit fell over as she ran up to it, and crouched down, grabbing it off the ground, she smiled, as she stood up and turned to Rick "look.." she said, but as she did, Rick was already walking back the way they came, as Katniss sighed, jogging to keep up with him.

Where the two had walked back in silence, as they headed down the hill, toward's the water "Rick." Hershel called out, as the two looked around, walking back toward's the bridge "Rick." Hershel said again, as they headed past the tree and across the bridge, Hershel was down there inside the fence, as the two walked up to him "you know I wouldn't have hobbled all the way down here if it wasn't important. Are you coming back soon?" Hershel asked, but Rick didn't answer him "Glenn's on a warpath. Smart as he is, he can't fill your boots. I'm afraid he's reckless. We need you now more then ever." Hershel shared.

"If you're so worried about him, you lead." Rick told him, as Katniss furrowed her brows "what are you doing out here?" Hershel asked, as Rick held up the arrow "hunting." he told him, as Katniss held up the rabbit "how much longer do you need?" Hershel asked "I don't know." Rick told him "is there anything I can help you with?" Hershel asked, as Rick looked at him, Hershel turned to walk away "I saw something." Rick told him, as Hershel turned back around "Lori. I saw Lor..I'm seeing Lori. Look, I know it's not really her. But there's gotta be a reason. It's gotta mean something you know." Rick shared.

"Was it her on the phone?" Hershel asked "yeah. Shane, too. And the town." Rick shared "do you see em now?" Hershel asked, as Rick turned looking at Katniss, he turned heading back over the bridge and as he did, Katniss turned following him and when she did, she stopped "you asked what happened? He told me that he could me safe. But it didn't make me feel safe, it actually just made me more scared then I already was. Because I knew even more when my dad left me to go with Merle that the truth was that I would be never with somebody else. Because the only person I've ever been safe with was you." she shared.

And as she did, Rick turned to her and when he did, a gunshot rang out, as Katniss turned around looking up at the prison, gunfire was then fired at them, as Katniss and Rick ran across the bridge, the two then jumped, falling down into the grass, Rick put his body over Katniss's "stay down." he told her, as Katniss nodded, Rick turned over, laying down, he put his gun up and looked through the scope, seeing someone out in the forest as he shot the gun off, the two of them then got shot back at.

Gunshots could be heard in the distance, as the gunfire stopped, but then continued once more, as Rick sat up shooting again, they then got shot back at, as Rick laid back down, the sound of a vehicle approaching could be heard as it busted through the front gate "go, go.." Rick whispered to Katniss, as the two crawled on the ground toward's the fence, they leaned against it, as they saw it park in the yard, the back door fell open and as it did, walkers began coming out of it.

Where when someone came out of the passenger side, shooting a gun, Rick brought his gun up, as Katniss pulled out her hand gun, Rick's clip was empty, as Katniss shot one bullet off before the two of them were being shot at, as they quickly dropped down, Rick then pulled out his hand gun and went to shot but they were shot at again, as he dropped "Hershel!" Katniss voiced "get the hell out of there!" Rick voiced, the two then watched as Hershel shot one of the walkers.

Katniss then brought her gun up, as Rick did the same, the sound of a walker could be heard behind them, as Katniss turned around shooting it, Rick did the same with the other as the two stood up, shooting two more, they then ran out of bullets "go. Go." Rick told her, as the two turned running, they headed toward's the hole in the fence, but another walker was there, Katniss notched an arrow, shooting it in the head, Rick then turned around, hitting the zombies coming up behind them with his handgun, Katniss notched another arrow and shot the one that was coming right for him.

Where as one came up behind her, it's head got shot with a crossbow bolt, as Daryl and Merle were there, all four of them were then killing walkers, where when they were dead, they all then looked through the fence at all the walkers in what used to be the clean yard.

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