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Chapter forty six

"Make sure she was safe."

As they walked up to the gate, Katniss felt eyes on them as she turned her head and looked to the right, she saw a girl her and Carl's age standing in the building and watching them but as Michonne walked in front of her, the girl was then gone, as Katniss looked to the gate, Aaron was standing there alone now, as something rattled, they all turned to the left, aiming their weapons at it, Daryl shot it, as the gate opened up all the way, Daryl grabbed the possum off of the ground "we brought dinner." he said, as the second man kept staring at them "it's okay.  Come on in, guys." Aaron told them.

As they all began walking in, the gate shut behind them "before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons. Stay, you hand them over." the man shared "we don't know if we wanna stay." Rick shared "it's..it's fine, Nicholas." Aaron told him "if we we're gonna use em, we would have started already." Rick shared, as Nicholas looked from them to Aaron "let them talk to Deana first." Aaron told him "who's Deana?" Abraham asked "she knows everything you'd want to know about this place. Rick, why don't you start?" Aaron asked, as Rick looked at them all, a walker could be heard "Sasha." he said, as Sasha turned shooting it before the second gate closed "it's a good thing we're here." Rick told them, as he began walking off after Aaron, they all followed.

Where they all were then going in where after Rick did, Daryl went, then Michonne and after her, it was Katniss's turn, as she walked in, the woman Deana was sitting there, she smiled at her "your Katniss Dixon." she said, as Katniss walked closer to her "how do you know?" she asked her "you look like your father. But the bow was definitely a second clue." Deana shared, as she held her hand out "you can sit. Only if you'd like. Your father didn't want to either." she added on, as Katniss walked over and sat down "it's just all of this.." she said, looking around her at the house "is a lot." she added on.

"You don't feel like you belong here do you?" Deana asked, as Katniss looked at her "I've never really felt like I belonged anywhere. Hunting and the woods was all I've known for so long. Growing up I had no friends. It was just me and my dad." she shared "and now you have all those other people." Deana shared "we're a family." Katniss told her, as Deana nodded "I'm starting to see that." she told her, pointing at her "who gave you that necklace? It's very pretty." she shared, as Katniss looked down at it "and very you." Deana told her "my um.." Katniss told her, looking up at her "Carl." she told her.

And when she did, Deana smiled "is he your boyfriend?" she asked, as Katniss blushed "um, I..I don't.." she told her, chuckling "are we done?" she asked "yes we are done." Deana told her "great." Katniss said, getting up and walking out.

Where when all the interviews were done, they all were standing around, putting their guns into a bin "they're still your guns. You can check them out whenever you go beyond the wall. But inside here we store them for safety." Deana shared, as they all put them in, Carol was the last one "should have brought another bin." the woman shared, as she wheeled the bin away.

Carl and Rick were then with Aaron looking at the houses, where they had two of them, although everyone seemed to be staying in the one to the left, where they all had the chance to cleanup, and when Katniss was standing in the bathroom, she was looking at the box of stuff that Carol had handed her saying it was all the stuff a teenage girl would need, where on top were a bunch of clothes and when Katniss looked at them, there were jeans and shirts, sweaters, jackets and as she looked underneath them, there were bras and underwear, as she quickly picked all the clothes up and moved them to the side.

There was a bag and as she picked it up and opened it, there was shaving cream, a razor, toothpaste, a tooth brush, but then there was this cup thing as she pulled it out, she saw an instruction manual, as she pulled it out and read the words menstrual cup, she grimaced, putting it back in the bag, and when she looked at what was left in the box, there was shampoo, conditioner and body wash, as she grabbed the bottles, she headed toward's the shower, putting them down, she turned back going and grabbing the towel that was at the bottom of the box along with the shaving cream and razor.

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