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Chapter fifteen

"Run for the gate."

It had been a long and hard winter moving from place to place always on the run, they never could quite exactly find a place to fully stay like Rick wanted, as he kicked in the doors to the house they were standing in front of, he shot the walker to the right as he walked in, T Dog then stabbed the one on the left and walked in, as Daryl headed in with his crossbow up, Katniss and Carl then walked in, as the two headed in the direction Rick did, they walked into a hallway, stepping aside, as Rick lead the way.

He then headed into the door to the right while Katniss and Carl stepped through the door to the left of it, coming across the kitchen, the two of them walked through it and to their left a door to a room, as Katniss held her bow up, Carl brought his arm up opening the door and as he did, Katniss stepped inside as Carl followed her in, a female walker was there as it turned to them, Katniss shot her arrow as it flew into it's head, it's body fell to the floor, as Katniss went forward grabbing her arrow.

The two headed out of there and as they did, they ran into Rick in the kitchen as they began to look at everything but nothing seemed edible, as Rick turned walking out of there, Glenn and Maggie walked in through the back door, Katniss turned following them out knowing everything was useless where the only thing left seemed to be dog food, Daryl then came walking down the stairs with an owl as he was picking the feathers off of it, he headed into the living room, as Katniss followed after him, T Dog came in along with Carol, Beth, Lori who was now really pregnant and Hershel.

And soon Maggie and Glenn joined them all, as Rick walked to the window looking out it, they were all taking a moment to relax, as Carl came running in with two cans of dog food, he sat down and zipped opened his bag pulling out the can opener "Carl, that's dog food!" Katniss voiced, as Rick walked over to him, grabbing the can, he threw it across the room making everyone jump, but then like always the walkers began to arrive "psst." T Dog said, as they all began to collect their things and head out of there.

Going out the back door, Daryl lead the way followed by Glenn, Maggie, T Dog, Lori, Carol, Beth, Hershel, Katniss, Carl and Rick, heading around the front, they all quickly got into their vehicles and headed off.

Where soon down the road aways, they had stopped to figure out where to go next, as Katniss and Carl headed to the front where Rick was "fifteen, you two are on point." Rick told them "mm-hmm." Carl said, as Katniss notched an arrow, Rick walked off to the others, as T Dog put the map on top of the car "we've got no place left to go." he shared "when this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." Maggie shared "what you'd say? That was about a hundred fifty a head?" Daryl asked "that was last week. It could be twice that by now." Glenn shared.

As Beth was keeping watch from the left side "this river could've delayed them. If we move fast we might have a shot to tear right through there." Hershel shared "yeah, but if this group joins with that one, they could spill out this way." T Dog shared "so we're blocked." Maggie told them "only thing to do is double back at twenty seven and swing toward's greenville." Rick shared "yeah, we picked through that already. It's like we spent the winter going in circles." T Dog shared "yeah, I know. I know. At newnan we'll push west. Haven't been through there yet. We can't keeping house to house. Need to find someplace to hold up for a few weeks." Rick shared.

As Maggie rolled up the map "alright, is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out? Won't take long. We got to fill up on water. We can boil it later." T Dog shared "knock yourself out." Rick told him, as Katniss then heard Daryl whistle, she turned around "let's go hunting." Daryl told her, as Katniss smiled, walking over to him, she looked at Rick "you coming?" she asked him, as Rick nodded "yeah." he told her, following after her and Daryl.

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