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Chapter thirty three

"There is no girl."

Carl was walking down the dirt road ahead of his dad, as Rick walked behind him or more so limped behind him "Carl, slow down." he told him, but Carl didn't, he continued going at the same pace he had been "Carl, stop!" Rick voiced, as Carl stopped "we..we need to stay together. We've gotta find a place with food, supplies." Rick shared, making it up to him, he stopped next to him putting his hand on his shoulder "hey." he told him, as Carl turned and glared at him "we're gonna be.." Rick told him, but when he saw the way he was looking at him, he knew nothing he could say could make it better.

As Carl turned and continuing walking, Rick limped after him, where the two soon made it out of the woods and went left on an actual road, coming across an abandoned bar, Carl stood in front of the door with his gun up as Rick opened the screen "wait outside, okay? Keep watch." he told him "you keep watch. You can barely stand. I'm not gonna let you go in there alone." Carl shared "excuse me?" Rick asked him "we've done this before. I'm gonna help you clear it. You should just let me do it myself." Carl told him, glaring at his dad "let's go." Rick told him, opening the door, he headed in bringing his gun up, Carl followed in behind him.

Where there was no walkers in the first room, as Rick headed to the left and around the bar to the kitchen nothing was in there, as Carl headed behind him into the dining room area "kitchens clear." Rick told him, as he followed him inside, a bunch of the tables and chairs were stacked up, keeping the one walker inside at bay as it came walking out into the sliver of light, where as Rick looked around, there was a sign for Joe Jr's hot sauce and tons of jars of it "that might be all that's left." he shared.

As Carl brought his gun up to shoot the walker, Rick walked toward's it "I can get it from here." Carl told him "no. No, it's weak." Rick told him, putting his gun away, he grabbed the axe off the table "I'll draw it out." he told him, where Carl looked at the paper on the table that read, please do what I couldn't Joe Jr "stay back." Rick told him, as Carl threw the paper on the ground, Rick knocked the chairs over and as he did, the walker came at him where Rick hit it in the head with the axe but it didn't kill it, as Carl brought his gun up "damn it." Rick said, as he looked to him "don't." he told him, as Carl shot it, the walkers body fell to the ground.

Rick then looked at him again "I said not to." he told him "you couldn't do it with the axe!" Carl voiced "I had it. Every bullet counts. What if you needed that one later? See what you can find. Then let's move on." Rick told him, pulling the axe out of the walkers head, he headed to the kitchen while Carl grabbed what was on the shelf, as Rick came walking back in "kitchen wasn't empty after all." he said, putting the stuff in a bag "my haul. You?" he asked, as Carl walked up with his arms full as he put the stuff in the bag "I win." he told him.

As the two headed out, they had walked through the woods again, heading over railroad tracks as they were on a road "hey." Rick said but Carl didn't look or even stop "hey." Rick said again and still nothing, as they soon came upon a house on the left, Carl stopped looking at it "hey." Rick said, as Carl turned to him "that one's as good as any." Rick told him, as the two walked up the sidewalk, breaking into the front door, they both had their guns up, Carl turned heading down the hallway to the right while Rick shut the front door halfway, he walked through the living room, finding Carl going down the hallway "Carl." he told him.

"I got it. All the doors down here are open." Carl told him "just stop!" Rick voiced, as Carl stopped and turned to him, he banged his hand against the wall "hey, asshole!" he voiced, hitting the wall again "hey, shit face!" he voiced, hitting the wall again "hey.." he was about to say "watch your mouth!" Rick voiced "are you kidding me? If there's one of them down there, they would have come out." Carl told him, turning and walking upstairs, Rick went and checked the kitchen, where the fridge was left open as he shut it, he then walked in, opening the kitchen drawer finding a knife, he then looked to the kitchen table, grabbing the two that were on it.

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