Chapter/6/: College Kids Part 1

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It was move in day at Rutgers University in New Brunswick,New Jersey. Me , Grayson , Brooke , Ethan , Ryan and three football players were assigned to the same on-campus townhouse. The townhouse had 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom on the main floor. Along with a kitchen sitting room and game room. Upstairs were 4 bedrooms and 2 other bathrooms. Me and Brooke decided to take the ground floor bedroom and bathroom, leaving the boys to battle for the best room upstairs.
"You know hot air rises." I say as I am standing in the doorway of Ethan and Grayson's room.
" Shut up" Ethan laughs.
"And cold things sink" Grayson says putting his index finger on the bottom of my chin and pulling me in for a kiss.
" Oh no , not this , not anything else if you and Jamaica want to get steamy stay out of this room!" Ethan says making sure we can here him. "Same rules apply to you and Brooke , shy boy." Grayson says smirking at Ethan. Ethan rolls his eyes and starts to unpack his things. Grayson turns back to me and smiles with his cute hazel eyes shining.
" I forgot something at my parents, we can go for a drive." I take Grayson's hand and lead him down the stairs as I complain
" Ugh Grayson that's a 45 minute drive , can't you just go tomorrow."
" I wasn't just going to my parents house." Grayson smirks as if i should know what he means. I instantly remembered the Dolans beach house on the Jersey Shore. Me and Grayson had been going there for months and I had made a lot of memories there. It was only 45 minutes away but is was also 6 pm so we would be back by almost 11 unless we would spend the night. "But Gray I don't want to ,its our first night and plus there's a big party going on down by Smith Hall" i say while pulling him down on the couch with me.
"But babe I want to go to the 'Jersey Shore'" he says.
The way he said "Jersey Shore " in his deep Jersey accent that i rarely heard from him made i want to just go and walk on the boardwalk. I lean over and kiss his cheek and whisper "Let's go baby I'm yours." Grayson smiles and picks me up behind my knees. Grayson reaches in the pocket of my high-waisted shorts and grabs the keys to my snowy white convertible.
I get in the passenger seat and turn on the radio. When the radio turns on Grayson makes the most confused face that i have ever seen him make.
"Oh Gray I forgot baby I'm sorry, when I was in LA my uncle contacted me and said that he really wanted me to record some of the songs I've been writing..... and " i look at Grayson me he motions me to go on
"..... welllll I actually made an album and some producers who have worked with people like Beyoncé and the Braxton Sisters said he really like how it sounded. And I just got the first copy." I say while making >😁< at him.
"Omg I'm so happy for you well what's it called......" Grayson asks excitedly.
"Love and War" I say waiting for his reaction. He leans over and kisses me on the cheek.
" well I want to listen to every single song." We listened to my album the entire way to the beach house. When it was finally over Grayson asked
"so when does it go public?" He asked.
"Well I have to meet with some of the producers in New York in a few weeks but hopefully it gets to iTunes." I say.
" I really like it the fact that you have the most mature and beautiful voice is so sexy , but one thing." Grayson says looking at the road.
" what?!" I look at him worriedly.
" Almost all 8 of your songs are about relationships and fights and breakups that we have gone through so I need 1/3 of your profit as your inspirer." He says dead serious. "Shut up." I say smacking his arm and laughing. He reaches across the console and grabs my hand.
"I really love you, Jamaica." He says in a soft comforting voice. I blush and say
"I love you a thousand times more."

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