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**Grayson's POV
I woke up the Jamaica's giggles.
"What." I scoff rubbing my eyes.
"Why are you so grumpy." She says lifting her head from my chest to kiss me.
"Why are you so happy." I say pulling my pillow over my head.
"Because when I wake up every morning you're the first person I see." She says.
"You actually got up and came back." I say.
I heard her leave and then come back up.
"Let's go get the twins I think mom made breakfast." She says peaking underneath my pillow. I see her glowing face.
"Hummmm I wonder how you know your mom made breakfast." I say sarcastically putting my finger to my chin.
"Shut up." She laughs throwing the pillow back in my face and standing to her feet.
I watch her walk around to my side of the bed and I get up to join her. We walk to the door together and I slap her butt.
"Hey!" She says trying to get on her tip toes to meet my face. She fails and slaps my butt in return.
"Let's go get the twinsies." I say in a girly voice.
"You're so weird." She says opening the door to the twins room.
"Oh look they're sleeping." I say looking at my fake sleeping twins. They have smiles on there faces.
"Looks like we'll have to eat breakfast without them." Jamaica says sarcastically turning to the door.
"Noooooooo!" The twins yell jumping out of bed and attacking us with hugs.
"Good morning Jewel!" She says holding Jewel and giving her a kiss.
"Good morning mommy." She says giggling.
"Let's go get breakfast!" Jamaica says leading us 4 downstairs.
"Grayson." She says stopping halfway down the stairs.
"What." I say.
"Go put a shirt on." She says giving me a weird look.
"Yeah daddy , I can see your boobies." Jewel says from Jamaica's arms.
"Okay , okay , I'll go put on a shirt." I say putting my hands up in defense walking back up the stairs.

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