Chapter/18 p.3/: Flashbacks;Our Story

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I woke up in the Dolans basement floor surrounded by my friends, all sleeping there except Grayson. Grayson was in his room , alone.
**Two days ago
we were walking to Grayson's room when I found his ex and him sitting on his bed, giggling and laughing about their previous relationship. As I walked in he just smiled at me
"oh hey Jamaica." I gave him a weak smile as his ex gave me a devilish smirk.
"It was nice talking to you Graybes." She smiled at his standing up and whispering
"watch out b*tch" as she passed me and walked out the door.
"What's up babes ?" Grayson said pulling me over to him as he sat on the bed and put his arms around my waist. I stood there dead silent until I spoke "so her, what did she want?"
"She just came by around 4 and wanted to say hi." Grayson said smiling. I looked over at the clock it read 8:30pm. I had just gotten back from All-Star cheer practice.
"Oh 4 huh." I say keeping the same flatness in my voice as I starred out the window.
"Jamaica I know what you're going to say but it was nothing okay, I love you babes." He said putting one hand on my abs. I stepped back keeping my stare at the window.
"I've gotta go." I say. I smile and give Grayson a quick kiss.
"I'm not mad Grays , I love you." I kinda lied about the not being mad part, I was angry.
"Okay" he smiled as I walked out the door and acted like I walked down the stairs but I really just walked across the hall into Ethan's room.
"Eth what was you know who doing here?!" I ask.
"Idk but she never knows when to leave." He said rolling his eyes. I walk over and slump down on his bed. I need some cheering up.
"Well all of the guys are staying over on Friday so me and you can drive to NYC Saturday okay.?" He says rubbing my back.
"Thanks Eth, love you." I say standing up. I go home and just sleep.

It was Saturday morning and I had been ignoring Grayson ever since Thursday night. Everyone eventually woke up and went home. I got up and took a shower and got ready. Then me and Ethan were off to NYC. We got there around 3 and had fun running around all day. And since this trip was for me, Ethan agreed on going into Dash and Banana Republic and a bunch of other stores but he went to some long boarding shop while I was in Victoria's Secret. It was eventually 7 and we decided to go to a nice restaurant for dinner. At this restaurant they gave us wine and champagne even if we were like 16 they couldn't tell if we were a college kid or not. Ethan being Ethan took as much as he could get. After dinner us two decided to just go home. We were listening to the radio and singing obnoxiously out loud and Ethan wasn't paying attention when something happens, something bad.

***Ethan's POV
I woke up with an Iv in my hand and I was laying in a hospital bed. My mom ran over to me with tearful eyes
"mom what happened where am i?" I realized that my voice was weak.
"well honey , you were with Jamaica when you hit a semi you were driving home from New York." My mom said tearing up. My eyes shot open
"Jamaica, where is she? Where is Jamaica, where is Grayson.!?!?" I yelled.
"Jamaica is in a coma, she got very hurt and hurt her ribs very badly , they were weak from her falling at cheer all of the time. She also hurt her knee and her foot on her left leg. Ethan they don't..." My mom started crying.
"Ethan they don't know if she's going to wake up."
I started crying hot hot tears.
"Ethan everything will be fine, Grayson and Brooke are on their way up." My father says calming my mom down. I looked over at the clock 1:30am. I buried my head in my hands and cried, eventually I stopped when I heard footsteps and the clicking of Brooke's boots coming near me.
"Ethan , I love you so much!" She started to cry as she sat down in a chair next to my bed. I didn't acknowledge her I just looked at Grayson, he looked weak.
"I'm so sorry." I whispered getting tears in my eyes. Grayson started to tear up and said
"it's not your fault bro, I'm glad you are okay. I'm uh I'm gonna go see her now." His voice cracked as he left the room. I finally said hi to Brooke and embraced her excessive love and talked to her. She couldn't build up confidence to go see Jamaica yet. She would see her in the morning.

***Grayson's POV
I walked out of Ethan's room and towards Jamaica's, I took a deep breath as I walked in and heard beeping sounds from her heart monitor. She had a breathing mask on and an Iv in her hand. She looked lifeless I was trying to hold back tears as I pulled up a chair to her beside. A nurse walked in. I asked her what was wrong and she said that Jamaica hurt her left foot and knee along with serious injuries to her rib cage from falling at cheer. I looked around, some of her teammates including Gabe and Noah signed a card and dropped of flowers. There was a note from her coach laying at the table and her phone. I looked at it and saw a bunch of Tweets and Instagram notifications from people and fans asking what happened. I put her phone down and looked back down at her. "Grayson she might not wake up"
The words my mom said to me on the phone when they got her status. Her parents walked in.
"thanks for coming Grayson" her mom said as she gave me a hug. They waited outside why I just sat there for a while looking at her body. It seemed so weak compared to her usual buff , toned self. I started to talk..
"Jamaica, I love you so much and I need you to wake up baby, I need you to wake up for me, I need you in my life, I don't know what I would do without you, I love you so much (I started to cry) I feel like this is my fault, I feel so guilty, Ethan.... Ethan feels terrible, we love you so so much and we need you here with us....... baby please wake up. If you go....... I don't think I can move on, you mean so much to me and I cant stand to lose you. Your presence makes everyone happy, your smile brightens the room, your eyes sparkle so beautifully, your laugh makes everyone in the world feel good again. Jamaica, I love you so much and I will always love you. Always. Forever. I will love you forever. (I wipe my tears and kiss her cheek) I love you to another galaxy and back a million times , Jamaica, you are my everything." I grab her lifeless hand and bury my head on the side of the bed. I hear several footsteps. JJ , Garret and Ryan come in holding back tears , Hannah, Sarah and Brooke walking in, in tears. I explain to them what happened. I leave the room and hug her parents before I go back to Ethan's room and just hug my mom for a very long time.
"I know baby, I know" she says while running her fingers through my hair. My mom and dad go to get coffee and my dad heads back home and my mom stays in Ethan's hospital room. Jamaica's parents stay in her room, I don't think they will sleep much. Once all of my friends go home and it is peaceful, my mom tells me I can go home but I refuse. I sit on a couch in the waiting room, waiting , waiting, waiting.

Grayson full of love and regret.

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