Chapter/8/: I'm an uncle, you're an aunt! Well, kinda?

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It was February and me and Grayson,  Brooke and Ethan were driving to Fredrick, Maryland to go to see Cameron and her new baby. It was about a 5 hr and 20 minute drive , so all four of us decided to take turns driving in 1 hr and 20 minute turns. It was 12pm and the sun was high in the sky. We were enjoying the car ride as Ethan was the first one driving.
"Okay Eth you can pull off the Mount Holly exit and we'll switch." Brooke says around 1:30pm. Ethan pulls off to the nearest Starbucks and switches Brooke for the back seat.
"I'll uh be right back , I have to go to the bathroom." I say while unbuckling my seatbelt. I come back 5 minutes later with a vanilla latte in my hands. As I open the door they all start laughing. I smile while starting to blush.
"Typical." Ethan says while laughing. "White girl." Grayson says in his girly voice.
"Shut up." I say while sitting in between the the twins.
"There is no way I can sit in between you two for an hour and a half" i say starting to laugh.
Brooke drives for her share of the time and stops at Elkton, MD.
"I think we are in Maryland now." She says looking back at us three asleep. Ethan was on my right with his head in my lap and I had my head on Grayson's shoulder. "Heeeelllllllllloooooooooooooooo WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!!! " Brooke screams waking all three of us up. I looked at my phone it was 3:00 pm.
"I'll drive" I say yawning letting Ethan and Grayson fall asleep on each other. Brooke climbs into the passenger seat. As I start driving towards Baltimore, I look back at the twins. Ethan was asleep in Grayson's lap and Grayson was resting his head on Ethan's head. I laugh as Brooke takes a picture and posts it on Instagram. She posts it with the caption "Headed to Maryland with our boys 😂😊 @jamaicaaaaa " she tags the twins and then puts her phone away.
"Jamaica?" She asks sounding more quiet then usual.
"Yeah?" I say stopping the car in stand still traffic.
"Do you think you'll marry Grayson?" She asks looking at me. I don't respond for a couple minutes. "Uh well, we never really talked about it. Maybe I don't know. We are only juniors in college." I say softly. Traffic starts moving again and i start driving.
"Me and Ethan have talked about it." She says looking in her lap.
I reach over and grab her hand.
"It's okay we're only 21 years old , in college and still very young." I say smiling at her. She smiles and wakes up the boys.
"Okay sleepy heads" she calls back at Ethan and Grayson. They get up looking confused and then realize they were sleeping on each other. "Ew bro get off me." Ethan says pushing Grayson. Me and Brooke laugh as i get out of the car in traffic and switch them seats. Grayson turns on the radio and one of the songs for my album comes on. Ethan and Grayson look back at me and Brooke looks at me with a smile on her face.
"What?" I ask blushing a little.
"Uh sing it ding dong." Ethan says. "Sing it with me." All four of us sing but when the song reaches the bridge they all 3 stop singing letting me sing the strong notes by myself. I don't notice because i am so into the song. After the song ends i open my eyes and they are all 3 staring at me.
"Damn" Grayson says slightly under his breath. Ethan smiles at me and turns to face forward. Brooke looks at me with wide eyes.
"I cannot believe you put off your singing career to finish college!" She says.
"You could be making millions." Grayson says continuing to drive. "You guys I'll be back at it after college I promise , but when I win an AMA you have to promise to throw me a huge party." I say starting to laugh.
"Turnip" Ethan says hitting his fists on the roof of the car.
"Your not invited." Grayson says looking over at Ethan. Ethan turns on the radio and starts screaming. "Ethan Grant .... why are you screamin'" Brooke says in her sweet southern accent.
"It's Miley!!" He screeches. Wrecking Ball starts to play and all four of us start yelling/ screaming the lyrics. Right when the song ends Grayson screams
"WE'RE HERE!!!" As he pulls into the parking garage of Frederick Memorial Hospital. We walk into the front lobby and Mrs.Dolan jumps out of her seat and runs to hug all four of us. I walk to the elevator and Grayson pushes the up button.
"I wanted to push the up button." Ethan pouts. As the twins argue me, Brooke and Mrs.Dolan walk in the elevator.
"Ethan , let's go babe." Brooke says holding the door. Ethan and Grayson shuffle in the elevator as we make our way to the 5th floor. As we got to Cameron's room she was sitting up talking to Mr.Dolan about sports while Rylee was holding their new baby boy.
"Grayson! Ethan! You guys !" Cameron says extending her arms giving each one of us a hug.
"What's the name?" Grayson asks taking the baby from Mr.Dolan and sitting in a chair.
"Take my picture ." Grayson says looking at me. I pull out my phone and take their picture.
"I'm an uncle." Grayson whispers and then kissing the baby.
"We decided on a name." Rylee said walking towards Cameron's bed. "Shane Dolan Edwards" Cameron says.
"Oh that's perfect!" I say taking the newborn and cradling him in my arms. After a few minutes I pass the baby off to Ethan. Grayson comes behind me and whispers
"I'm an uncle, your an aunt." "Kinda." I say smiling up at him. He wraps his arms around my waist and says
"I can't wait till we have a baby." I look at him and give him a look of confusion/annoyed/frowning. He laughs and says
"Cam do you have a nursery ready yet?"
"Yeah but guys there is only two guest bedrooms and mom and dad get one." Cameron says looking at Ethan and Grayson.
"We haven't even seen your house yet. It may be a gross dump and we might want to stay in a hotel." Ethan says. Cameron frowns but then smiles and tells them to shut up. After the hospital we drive to Cameron's house and stay there for two days before heading back to Rutgers.

Grayson already planning for the future?

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