Chapter/16/: Baby Shower

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It was January 10th , 7:00am. Me and Grayson are in bed. I am laying on my left side facing him, he is on his right side facing me with one arm rested on my belly. The sun shines in my eye and I realize I have to get ready for my baby shower in Long Valley.

Me and Grayson built a home in Bridgewater, NJ so it was 45 minutes away from Long Valley. Me and Brooke decided to have our shower in Long Valley because both of our families lived there along with the Dolan's. I lean over and kiss Grayson's nose as I push myself out of bed and waddle to the door. I slowly get down the stairs and make it to the kitchen. I pull out a pan and the eggs. I pour some oil in the pan and turn up the temp on the stove. I hear Grayson walking down the stairs as you crack an egg and pour it into the pan.

"I really don't understand why you like eggs all of the sudden." Grayson says sitting down on a barstool at the island. "Pregnancy cravings Grayson...... And you really need to fix your hair." I say pointing to his messy hair. He runs his hand through his hair as he says
"I can't eat eggs after that raw egg I drank , remember?" I think back to the first summer that I met the twins. I was at their house with their friend Ryan and they wanted to film a YouTube video. I didn't want to be in it so I just sat in the room. You are brought back from my daydream by the sizzle of my egg.
"Yes that was disgusting and you cried after I turned the camera off." I say laughing a little.
"I did not!" He says smiling.
"You need to go get ready, Gray , you know you take forever." I say pointing to the stairs.
"Eye eye captain." He says getting up and walking up the stairs. I eat and then walk into our room putting on my clothes and then going into the bathroom to do my hair. Once Im ready I hear the doorbell ring. Brooke was at the door ready to leave to go finish the final details at the venue.
"Gray baby, I'm leaving." I yell up at him.
"Hold on !" He says.
"Grayson its 8:45 I have-" I start to yell as he shuffles down the stairs. He kisses me and then leans down to kiss my belly.
"I love you." He says smiling. I cutely roll my eyes and walk out the door. On the 45 minute drive to Long Valley , me and Brooke talked about the shower and some other things.
"It's so weird that we are both pregnant at the same time. And we are pregnant by twins." She says.
"I know I still can't believe I'm having twins," I say putting a hand on my belly.
"I'm so excited , our kids will be best friends and cousins." She says smiling. "I have a question." She says.
"What's up?" I say.
"Did you plan on getting pregnant?" Brooke asked.
"Uhhhhh." I tried to answer.
"Actually it was the last night of vacation." I say looking at Brooke.
"Oh my gosh same!" Brooke says.
"You know it's weird that Ethan and Grayson would get someone pregnant at the same time." She says.
"Oh my gosh that is weird!" I say giggling a little. We pull up to the venue and start critiquing things. We are finally done at 10:30am and we head to the Dolan household. We hang out there until 12 talking to his mom about being pregnant and different things.

**Baby Shower**
I was done opening all of my gifts when one of my high school best friends asks. "So Jamaica do you know the names?" I knew what we were naming our babies. We wanted one twin to have Grayson's initials (GBD) and one with my initials (JMD).
"Yes if they are boys, I agreed for one to have Grayson's initials and one Ethan's, so Elijah George and Greyson Brooks , Grayson with an 'e'." I say as everyone "awes"
"And if they are girls then
Gem Bailey and Jewel Marie." I say.

"Those names are super adorable!" Cameron says.
"Brooke what about you?" Cam asks. "well if it is a boy, it will have Ethan's initials so Elliot Garret and if it is a girl them it was have my initials so Bree Adelle." She says rubbing her belly. "Those are so cute." A girl from high school says. After the baby shower me, Brooke, Cameron and Mrs.Dolan head back to the Dolan household to meet the twins, Rylee and Shane, and Mr.Dolan before dinner.

These babies are cooking and so are the secrets their parents are hiding.

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