Chapter/12/: Vacation

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We were on our flight to Aruba, sitting next to my fiancé. We were getting ready to land. Ethan and Brooke were a row behind us.

As the pilot announced the landing, I looked at Grayson, smiled and grabbed his hand. Grayson looked down at me and smiled faintly. I knew he was petrified every time the plane he was on landed.
As the plane landed and glided on the runway Grayson closed his eyes and then opened them when he realized it was over with. I let go of his hand and grabbed your bag above my seat. As the four of us walked out of the gate we suddenly saw flashes of cameras. There were about 30 people taking pictures of us.
I looked at Brooke and sighed I was the first one to push through the crowd. When we got outside and into the car that was taking us to the condo I realized how hot it was.
I checked and it was 87*. Once ee got to the condo we all changed and ran to the beach which was inches from the back gate of the condos. After about an hour of running around and being up and childish, me and Brooke lay out in the sun. After a few minutes Grayson pulls my arm and lifts me up. "Graysonn I'm laying out." I say whining.
"Let's do tucks together." He says not acknowledging my annoyed look. Grayson handed Ethan his phone and Ethan took a video.
"I'll count." I say putting your hands on your hips. Grayson just kept his hands to his sides.
"5 6 7 8" I counted as I set up and did my back tuck. Me and Grayson watched the video. "L
"Ugh why are yours way higher than mine?" He whines.
"Because I'm tiny." I say smirking and then laying back down. No less than 1 minute of laying down I hear my phone buzz. I put my sunglasses on and read the screen.
@graysondolan tagged you in a video.
I swiped open the notification and saw the video of us doing tucks with the caption
"Couple Tucks in Arrruuubbbaaaa 😎☀️" I liked his photo and put my phone down. Next thing I know I get a new notification.
@DolanGrayson : " I challenge @Jamaica to a sand castle build-off☀️🌴"
I replied to Grayson's tweet by saying "When I win you get to buy me a strawberry daiquiris 🌺🌴☀️🍓"

"Deal." Grayson said seconds later. I got up and started forming my sand castle. I worked for 45 minutes until I was finally finished. I looked over and found Ethan asleep under the umbrella, Grayson still adding things to his castle and a minute ago Brooke went back to the condo to get her book. "Ethan!" I yelled waking him up. "
"Wha-what?!?" He jumped up and yelled.
"Come and see whose sand castle was better." I say.

After a minute of observation Ethan points to my castle and goes back to sleep. I smirk at Grayson and walk over to the mini bar.
"New tab for Grayson Dolan please." I say.
"I would like a strawberry daiquiris, and put that on his tab." I say sitting on a barstool. When I finish my drink you feel Grayson's arms wrap around my waist.
"I finally got you away from everyone." He whispered in my ear. I smile at him and lead him towards our condo.
Once we get in the door it turns into a heated make-out session. I'm pressed up against the wall when you hear someone say
"oh my god, you guys" it was Brooke trying to head back to the beach.
I smile at her and laugh a little while leading Grayson back into the kitchen .

It's getting hot and not just temperature.

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