Chapter/14 p.2/: Flashback Kicks In

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I was sitting on a couch in the bridal suite, scrolling through Instagram when my feel a kick from inside me.
I put my hand on my stomach and go into a flashback.

It was June 1st exactly a month after Grayson proposed. I felt a pain running through my stomach and up my throat. I was in my office at Runway.
"Ang?" I yell out the door to my assist. She came walking in.
"yeah?" She asked standing in front of me desk.
"I really want one of those really juicy New York strip steak burgers from the place across the street?" I say smiling at her.
"uh yeah this is your third lunch today are you feeling okay?" She asked a little concerned.
"Actually, my stomach has been killing me and oh my gosh do you smell that?!" I say smelling fresh chocolate chip cookies being baked at the bakery down the street.
"Is it that time..." Angie asks trailing off.
"No" I say. It instantly hit me.
"Um Angie can you call doctor Baker and ask him if he has an opening today?" I ask starring at the wall behind her with wide eyes.
"uh yeah but Dr.Baker is a maternity doctor..." She said confused.
"Yeah I know." I say shaking my hand worriedly. Angie walked back in ten minutes later
"He's got a minute right now if you go down there." She says grabbing my Prada bag.
"Thanks!" I say running out the door and rushing towards the elevator. I get to Dr. Baker's office and rush
past the front desk and run into his office.
"Dr. Baker!" I say panting. "Jamaica!" He says,
"what can I do for you?"
"I think I'm pregnant." I say sitting in a chair.
"Well we can find that out right now!" He says getting up from his seat.

After the doctors office. I was driving back it was official I was pregnant. I go straight to the penthouse where Grayson was sitting. I tell him the news and he is excited as ever, but there was one problem, our wedding was supposed to be in October. Four months away. I was a tiny girl so my belly might not be that big and it will be easily hidden under my wedding dress. Thinking about that calmed me down. I called up Maria my manager and she was absolutely thrilled she started scheduling photo shoots and other things and we both decided to have a photographer take some announcement pictures.

*June 23rd*
Cameron, her husband and her 1 year old Shane were in Long Valley visiting. Everyone including Ethan and Brooke finished dinner and everyone sat in the family room talking while Shane played with Rylee in the small toy room. "Everyone we have something to give you." Grayson said smiling. He handed Brooke an envelope but she quickly got up and went to the bathroom and handed the envelope to Ethan. He handed his parents an envelope and Cameron one. They all opened them , inside was one of the pictures that the photographer took.
"Cam, hurry come here!" Rylee yelled from the other room. She got up and came in. Ethan looked over at his fathers face which was straight and cold.
"I'm going to go check on Brooke." He said quietly and got up.
"Oh my gosh! Congratulations you guys! Honey aren't you excited!" Mrs.Dolan said to her husband.
"yeah but they aren't married." He said to her coldly.
"Come on they have only a couple months and they will be married." Mrs. Dolan said. Mr. Dolan stood up and started to leave when Grayson says "Why do you hate it when your kids grow up." Grayson said annoyed. "Because my kids start having kids when they aren't ready that's why!" Mr.Dolan said raising his voice. Grayson jumped up and started yelling and yelling a bunch of things finally he said something so hurtful it crossed the line. I jumped and yelled
"Grayson!" . Grayson stopped and stood there looking at his dad's face. Ethan and Brooke come walking down the hallway from the bathroom.
"Well dad guess what, Brooke's pregnant too you gonna yell at us ?" He said walking out the door.
Grayson grabbed my arm and pulled me outside and into the car. He just started driving and driving.
"Grayson pull over." He pulls over and sits there.
"He'll come around he did for Cameron." I say putting a hand on his leg.
"And he can't get too mad considering Brooke's pregnant too." I say smiling. "Yeah your right, let's go home." He says kissing me on your cheek and driving home to NYC.


I smiled and continued scrolling through Instagram and rubbing my 4 month twin baby belly.
"You excited babies." I smiled looking down at my belly. I didn't care that I was pregnant for our wedding, I am just happy to have my own family.

Hot steamy vacations result in hot headed fathers, chin up daddy Dolan this is only the first surprise.

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