Chapter/10/: Adults

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It was Saturday morning. I woke up beside Grayson in our new penthouse. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed and into the living room.
I picked up my laptop and realized that I had an email from my manager, Maria.
Subject: Upcoming Playlist
Hey hon here's your schedule for Playlist on May 1st(This Thursday)
4:00am- Limousine will pick you up in Long Valley
5:30am- go to the hotel, drop off your things
6:00am- First meeting (with the event leaders)
7:00am- breakfast will be delivered to you when your learning script
8:30am- free time in hotel- lunch
11:30am- the venue is open to fans
11:45am- meet backstage to get your music box and wires hooked up with earpiece.
12:00pm- meet and greet -diamond
1:00pm- meet and greet- gold
2:15pm- meet and greet - silver
3:30pm - meet and greet- bronze
5:30pm- backstage
6:00pm- show starts
Already got your outfit picked out and delivered to parents house.
*end of email*
I smile and shut my laptop. I go back in my room which was drenched in warm yellow sunlight. Grayson wakes up.
"Do you want to go to my parents house?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"Ethan said something 'exciting happened" he says making quotation signs with his fingers.

We get to Long Valley after an hour and a half of driving and see Brooke's car parked outside.When we open the door I nearly get run over by Brooke "Jamaica guess what?!" She says hugging me.
"What?" I say laughing a little. She pulls her left hand out from behind her back, displaying a big fat engagement ring.
"We're engaged!" She says squealing. My eyes widen
"oh my gosh that's great! So soon!" I say, hinting the fact her and Ethan were 22 years old fresh out of college and waiting for their new home in Bridgewater, NJ to be built, but I guess we're all adults now.
"I know and even better! Our weddings in July!" My heart sunk.
"July!" I say raising my eyebrows . "Yeah we have a little under 60 days to get everything planned, maid of honor!" She says. I see Grayson walk over towards Ethan who was standing a couple feet behind Brooke beaming.

****Grayson's POV

What in the hell did he just do? I kept thinking to myself as Jamaica and Brooke were talking. I walked over to him and whispered ..
"You always gotta be one step ahead of me." He looked at me with an annoyed look.
"I'm older." He states.
"Well I'm the first one who was going to propose." I say crossing my arms. "Grayson if anything , your proposal will be more special." He says puting a hand on my shoulder.

***Jamaica POV
It was 2:30 am , me , Grayson, Ethan and Brooke and Cameron( her year old boy sleeping and her husband on a business trip). We were talking about the gym we go to and the diets we were on when Cameron interrupted from her spot on the couch.
"You and Grayson are the most like healthy couple ever." She laughed. "How so?" I asked.
"Well you both have platinum 6-packs and you always work out together." She says. I laugh and Grayson pulls me from the coach and onto the floor. He gets in a push-up position and I know what he's doing. I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulder blades and then bring my feet to his lower calf (because he is a few inches taller than me).
"See like that." She says laughing at us. Grayson goes down into a push-up and I do the same.
"That's so weird." Brooke says looking up at Ethan who was half asleep.
"Do you guys do that in the gym?" He asked.
"No we do it at home." I laugh. "Grayson isn't it hard?" Cameron asks. "I'm holding up 5'3" 110 pound Jamaica, here Cameron she's as light as a feather." He says . He whispers something funny to me and I start laughing. Ethan picked up Grayson's phone and opened snapchat taking a video of us two. Eventually me and Grayson laugh so hard he falls and I fall on top of him and laugh so hard our stomachs hurt. Later Ethan took a picture of me and Grayson standing side-by-side with smirks on our faces, lifting up our shirts revealing our abs. Grayson posted the picture on Instagram with the caption "Ripped af" tagging me.
"You guys are adults but you still act like your in high school ." Cameron says approaching the stairs.
"Adults." I say letting out a sigh and putting my head on Grayson's shoulder and falling asleep.

22 and growing up fast can they handle it?

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