Chapter 34: Creating Life , Fearing Death

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Grayson POV***
"Ow oh my god , stop" I hear Jamaica whine from her home office.
I step in to see her scrolling through her computer holding onto her stomach.
"What's wrong?" I say peeping in the doorway.
"Nothing I'm fine." She says through her clenched teeth.
"No you're not fine Jamaica what's wrong." I say walking in front of her desk.
"Nothing Grayson damn, I'm pregnant not dying." She says slamming her gold Mac Book shut.
"Where are the twins." She asks sitting back in her chair.
"Sleeping." I say raising an eyebrow.
"What!?!" She says obviously hiding something.
"Nothing." I say walking out of her office.

**Jamaica's POV
"Grayson." I say as he leaves my office.
"What." He says staring at me.
"Are you afraid of dying?" I say rubbing my stomach.
"No." He says taking another step.
"Oh. Me neither." I say looking down at my growing bump.
"It's late, we should go to bed." He says grabbing one of my hands.
I nodded and got up. I started to walk but I soon stopped.
He turned and looked down at me.
I burst into tears.
"I'm sorry it's just , I got an email and I'm not good and that could be bad and I ." I say.
He looks at me like I was just speaking Mandarin Chinese.
"What are you talking about." He says with a chuckle.
"I don't know." I say wiping hot tears off of my cheeks.
"I think your hormones are out of control , let's go to bed." He says.
"Yeah go ahead I have to take a shower." I say walking through our room to the bathroom.
Grayson just nods and jumps in bed.
When I make it to bed he's already asleep.
I climb into bed and almost instantly his arms wrap around me.
I fall asleep.

I wake up in terrible pain.
I sat up and tried not to wake Grayson up.
"Jamaica." He says with his eyes still closed.
"What's wrong?" He continues.
"I think I'm having contractions."

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