Chapter/24/: Cali Life

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I walked into Grayson and I's bedroom in our home in NJ. He was packing for LA and listening to music. I went and sat on the bed with my back up against the headboard.
"I'm going to miss you." I say watching him walk in circles and all over the room. He stops and smiles at me.
"It's only for a few days baby, I'll be back to cuddle sooner than you know it." He says walking into the closet. While he's in there one of the slower songs on my album comes on the radio. I lay my hands on my stomach and sing , not too loud, closing my eyes. I feel my babies "dancing" around as I sing. They always did that when I sang. I open my eyes a see Grayson standing there looking right at me.
"What?!" I say. He smiles and nods his head as he puts more stuff in his suitcase. He always starred at me for no reason. After a while he came over and laid his head on my stomach. He was smiling for a while until he sat up and frowned. He didn't say a word and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. After a few minutes the shower started. After about 10 minutes of the shower running I started to get suspicious. I opened the bathroom door to see Grayson fully clothed sitting on the little slab of stone in our shower. I ran over and opened the clear glass shower door and walked in. He was just sitting there, didn't even look up at me. I pressed the screen and the water stopped.
"Grayson." I said as I walked over and bent down. I grabbed his face and pulled it up so he was looking at me. "What's wrong now?" I asked softly. He started to tear up. I stood and pulled him to stand. I grabbed his hand and brought him back over towards our bed. I sat down and brought his head to my chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. He started to cry.
"what am I going to do? There's so much stuff piling up and I don't know what to do. What do I do? Bring you three all over the place? You can't travel like that! I'm so sorry. I'm sor-" he sobbed.
"Grayson stop, once they get a little older , we can go to California whenever we want, we'll be fine. Could you stop having these break downs it makes me sad." I say cutting him off. He looked at me.
"That's not it." He said .
"E-e- than and I agreed to spend most of the summer in LA with Jake for a mini series." He said sniffing. I let out a deep breath. It wasn't ideal but I mean , hey I could use a summer in Cali and if we could buy a house in Napa Valley that would be perfect. I smiled and then hugged him.
"That's great Gray! I can't wait. I love Napa Valley! We could stay there!" I said kissing him cheek.
"I thought you would be mad." He said smiling.
"Noooooo ! I'm going to call Brooke, you Uh, change into dry clothes." I said giggling and leaving the room. I need a break from my life here and drama in Texas.

Hiding and hiding from her mistakes , smh Jamaica.

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