Chapter/23/: Nightmares and Heartburn and Kicking , Oh My!

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I was asleep in my home in NJ. I heard a knock on the door. I look over at the clock .... 2 am ...... I reach my arm out to wake up Grayson but he's not there. Now I start to get worried.....
I slide out of bed and put on my Lou Lou Lemon athletic pants and walked down the stairs. I went over to my door and looked through the peep hole....... Ethan........ What would he be doing here? Where is Grayson? Thoughts flooded my mind. I opened the door to see Ethan holding Grayson. Grayson was out cold.
"He's drunk." Ethan said walking through the door. No shit.
"You're kidding!" I said sarcastically. Ethan moved over to the couch.
"No! Don't lay him on my good couch, follow me." I say as I walk upstairs and head towards the office.
"Put him down here." I say pointing to the floor. I walk back down stairs and Ethan follows.
"He's nervous about the twins." Ethan said.
"That's not a good enough reason why he would go and get hammered. There's something else bothering him." I say sitting down. Ethan sits down across from me.
"Jamaica I have a feeling you didn't tell me everything about life in Texas." Ethan says softly. This is it, he saw right through me, great.
"if I tell you, you can't tell a soul." I said.
"I promise." He says leaning on.
"When I was a freshman......." I go into a flashback....

"Let's go do something crazy!" Sarah said taking another sip of the Whiskey we snuck from her fathers house bar.
"Yeah but what?" Emily said giggling.
"Let's go rob some place!" Hannah said standing up.
"Jamaica, You drive!" Sarah said throwing the keys at me.
"Okay!" I smiled.
We drove to a little shop. A woman was working. It was 3 am. We walked in. Sarah distracted the lady while me and Emily filled up bags with a bunch of stuff we wanted. Hannah, Hannah took it a little too far. She was going towards the cash register. She popped it open and started taking cash.
"Hey!" The lady said. Sarah held the lady back while Emily destroyed all of the security cameras and put them in her bag.
"Let's go!" I shouted running towards the door. Everyone followed me out to the car. We were about to drive away when we saw the lady picking up a phone.
"The bitch is going to call the cops! She knows what our car looks like and all of our faces!" Sarah said getting out of the car.
"Wait here." She said going back into the store. She dragged the lady into the back room. About 20 minutes later Sarah came from around the back of the store.
"What did you do?" I asked as she got back in.
" I killed her." Sarah said. My heart froze. I didn't say anything. I drove back to Sarah's house and we all went to sleep. In the morning we all didn't say a word. Before we all parted ways Sarah said that if we told anyone, she would use it against us and ruin our lives. Luckily my mom made us move here and I never looked back.
***End of Flashback*

"Now my parents are going back to Texas and Sarah may spill." I said. Ethan sat there in shock but then came over to hug me.
"I'm so sorry." He said.
"Ethan you can't tell anyone!" I said.
"I won't." He said.
"You better get home before Brooke kills you." I said.
"Yeah, well tell Grayson I said he's welcome that I saved him." He said before leaving. I shut the door and walked back upstairs to bed.
I woke up sweating and screaming. Grayson's arms were on me, he was laying next to me. I looked over..... 5 am......
"Baby what's wrong?!?" He asked worriedly. I had a nightmare about Sarah. But I couldn't tell him that.
"I had a nightmare about the crash." I said softly. He pulled me down so that my head was on his chest. I soon fell asleep.
I woke up with agonizing pain in my chest. I sat up and took a drink of water.
"Jamaica what?" Grayson said sitting up. I had a dream that Sarah killed me. "Heartburn." I said. I fell asleep again.
I woke up to my babies just kicking and kicking. I sat up and giggled. Grayson sat up.
"What is it now?" He chuckled. I grabbed his hands and put them on my stomach. He smiled.
"Grayson, were you actually scared or is there something else." I asked running my hands through his hair. "I'm petrified." He said.
"you'll be fine, I promise." I said. He leaned back and I leaned back onto his chest. He kept a hand on my stomach. I looked over at the clock...... 7 am........ What a night.

The only other soul that knows about the incident is Ethan but is he really?

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