Chapter/11/: Playlist Proposal

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I am at a Playlist with The Dolan Twins, Jack and Jack , Jake Paul, Rickey Thompson, Jack Dail and a few others.
The order of the show goes
-Opening sketch ( All performers)
-Jack and Jack ( Jack j and Jack g singing)
- Me singing cover of Beyoncé's "Love on Top")
-Sketch( Jack D., Jake Paul, Ethan D.)
-Sketch( Grayson and Ethan)
-Sketch ( me, Rickey Thompson, Jack Dail)
-Solo ( Jack G )
-Trio ( Jack and Jack, me)
- Sketch (all performers) ————————————————————Jack and Jack are announced and they take the stage.
Jack G: "Hey everybody and welcome to Playlist New York!"
Jack J: Tonight we took a request to sing a cover of Jason Delrulo's "Marry Me" . *Music starts*
Jack and Jack sing the verse. The other performers are sitting in the front row.

I am sitting beside Grayson and Ethan. Grayson gets up and goes back stage. I just assume he's going to get something in one of the back rooms. When the Jacks reach the chorus of the song, Jack G. grabs my hand and pulls me onstage while Jake P. places a chair in front of me so I could sit down. I sit and I see Grayson coming onto the stage.
I am really confused but I just smile and look around. I look down at Ethan and he winks at me.

The high part of the chorus comes and the stage lights go off and a spotlight hits me. Grayson gets in front of me on one knee. He opens what is obviously a Tiffany box. I look at his eyes and he is mouthing the chorus
"Will you marrryyy me?"
I laugh and start to nod myhead up and down and we both get up and hug. I hear the music and the crowd cheering and I start to get overwhelmed. We stay in a close hug and you start to tear up while Grayson whispers he loves me in my ear.
When the song ends I look up at Grayson and just smile. Next thing I know he picks me up and carries me off stage.
Jack G.: "Okay everyone we hope you enjoyed our cover!"

When the Jacks get off stage music starts to play and the announcer tells the crowd that there will be a 5 minute break. Everyone runs backstage and congratulates us on our engagement .

Later after a few sketches I go out to perform a cover.
"Hello everybody tonight I will be singing a cover of Beyoncé's "Love on Top".

((if you have never heard "Love on Top by Beyoncé " I suggest you listen to it. It is a really energetic and fun song)).

I sing the song and at the end Grayson runs out on stage and we kiss and then hug and pose for photos. We run off stage and when we get off stage I hand my microphone to a sound guy and start to take off my wiring and sound box. Once I take out my ear phones me and Grayson call our families and tell them the news.

That night all of the performers at Playlist go out to eat at Oak restaurant in Soho, New York.

Going to the chapel , so soon

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