Chapter/20/: Talkshow Characters

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"And now Singer, actress, fashion guru , wife and soon be mother Jamaica Dolan is here with entertainer Grayson Dolan!!!!!!!" The announcer for the Wendy Williams Show announces to the audience.
Me and Grayson walk down two stairs and onto the stage waving while the crowd cheers. I take my seat closest to Wendy on the purple couch and Grayson sits beside me.
"Welcome! How you doin'" Wendy says sitting down.
"Hey Wendy!" I say smiling to the audience.
"Your baby bump is so cute! Oh my gosh and twins ! How are you handling all of this!?" Wendy asks pointing to my stomach.
"Well it's been really great besides all of the kicks. If you're a mom you know what I'm talking about." I say putting a hand on my stomach.
"So do they like kick all of the time or in sync?" Wendy asks.
"They only kick when we kiss or I'm making food." I say.
"So they kick all of the time." Wendy says as everyone laughs.
"Yep." I say smiling.
"Well show us!" Wendy says.
"Uh you want me to make food right here?" I ask.
"Oh my gosh." Grayson says pulling me around and kisses me as Wendy put a hand on my stomach. I pull away. "They do kick!" Wendy says laughing. "So , Jamaica your only 23, and Grayson you just turned 24?" Wendy asks. We both nod and she continues "have you ever thought that maybe you're going to fast, I mean you just got married and now you're having twins." Wendy says.
"Wendy if your asking if we have gotten used to each other, we were used to each other in high school." Grayson blurts. The room erupts in laughter but I turn my head to face him
"Grayson!" I say smiling a bit.
"It's okay it's okay I want honesty." Wendy laughs.
"Moving on." I say.
"Okay, so Jamaica you are working at Runway, you have your music career, how are you going to balance that with babies?" She asks.
"well Wendy, at runway I have my own section in the magazine, so I have my own assistants and people to boss around, so I get to create my own office hours and to be honest I've already got articles done for March and April. My music career is very flexible and I'm taking it slow but I just released an album that was super successful so I think I'll get back to the studio later this year. Which it will be easy because I won't have anything else to do and I have Grayson so I won't be doing it alone." I say smiling.
"That's great, now Grayson, your brother, Ethan, is expecting too, how will both of you having babies effect your career together." Wendy asks Grayson.
"well we always work together so having kids will definitely change that but , then again, we live so close to each other and see each other almost everyday, once the babies are a few months old we can go back to seeing each other a lot." Grayson says.
"now , you too have a penthouse here in New York and a home close to Long Valley , New Jersey. Where will you be more after you have these twins?" She asks.
"Probably both equally because we like to be in a quiet neighborhood but our penthouse is just as good." Grayson says.
"Okay one last question before we have to go to commercial. How will having twins affect your lives together?" Wendy asks.
"Wendy, I don't know why you are asking that question, we still be poppin like before." Grayson says. I smack his arm and turn to him.
"Grayson! We are on national television!" The room erupts in laughter.
"Okay everyone give it up for Mr. And Mrs.Dolan , aren't they cute ! We'll be right back after the break!" Wendy says laughing.

A little information can go a long way for one crazy fan to go all out to meet you.

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