Chapter/19/:Daddy in Law

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"Grayson get up!" I yell for the fifth time. It was 8:30 am on Super Bowl Sunday and you had to be at your parents house at 10. Grayson doesn't budge so I pull the covers off of him and start to pull his arm. I pull and pull until he is on the floor.
"okay okay I'm up." He says rubbing his eyes. He makes his way to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. I move down the stairs to the kitchen and grab my mug of tea. The snow outside was falling down quick and our backyard looked like a winter wonderland. After I drink my tea, I get out my coat and shoes.
"Grayson!" I yell up hoping he is ready. "I'm coming!" He yells down the stairs. All of the sudden I see Grayson waddling down the stairs in his skiing gear. I bust out laughing.
"Awwww Grayson you look like a teddy bear " he gives me a still face but then smiles and kisses my forehead.
"I'm driving!" I yell. It was only a 45 minute drive from our home in Bridgewater to Long Valley.
"Fine " he says opening the passengers door.
"So why do I have to go skiing with your dad?"
"Grayson it's not just you , you'll have your dad , Ethan and a bunch of other guys. Just teach the man how to ski he's from Texas." I say pulling out of the garage.
"Well you're from Texas too but you know how to ski!" He protested. "Grayson my dad has never left the south in his life ever. it can't be that bad. But remember DO NOT talk about how bad Houston is this year and do not talk about the Long Horns , you know what , just stay away from the 'Texas Football' topic area, okay?" He nods his head.
"Next rule." He says.
"Do not talk about this babies , do not talk about me ,do not talk about-" he interrupts me.
"Well what can I talk about?!"
"The weather." I say seriously.
"I don't understand why he hates me." He says looking at the road.
"He doesn't hate you Grayson, he just is way overprotective." I say looking over at him. I pull into my parents driveway. I walk into the kitchen while Grayson walks to the living room with the rest of the guys.
"Hey momma!" I say and give her a big hug.
"Hey baby! You ready to get cooking?" She said. I nod my head and give Mrs. Dolan a hug and say hi to Brooke.
The guys walk in the kitchen to say goodbye before they hit the slopes. Grayson gives me a kiss and then kisses my belly.
"What y'all cookin up in here?" My dads deep southern accent booms through the kitchen.
"Wings, cheese, white chicken chili, and a bunch of our southern goodness." My mom says.
"Yum! Texas food!" Grayson says looking over everything on the counter. I shoot him a look and shake my head. "Grayson its southern food not just Texas food." Mrs. Dolan says. Everyone is silent.
"Okay bye guys!" I say trying to push them out of the kitchen and towards the door.
"Bye dad have fun!" I smile.
"Yep, We'll be back in time for the game and the 'Texas food'." He says looking over towards Grayson. They are finally out of the door and Brooke says,
"Well that was awkward." Mrs Dolan nods her head in agreement and my mom laughs.
"My boys both married southern women and they have no clue about southern culture." Mrs. Dolan chuckles.
"It's okay my husband tries to act all tough but he's actually a softy. In fact he actually wants to take the guys down to the old house and show them around." My mom says.
"Woah mom , when are we going to have time for that? They can't go from New Jersey to Houston and back in a weekend!" I say.
"Aww I think it's a good idea!" Brooke chimes in.
"Yes and my husband could go too!" Mrs. Dolan says.
"Well it will have to be after I give birth, and what makes you think they want to wander around Houston for a weekend?" I say opening the fridge. "Ethan has actually talked about going down to my home town. Believe it or not they are actually interested." Brooke says mixing cheese sauce.
"Mom no , dad will take them to a Texas Longhorns football game!" I say worried.
"Soooo what?" Mrs. Dolan says.
"When my dad talks football , it's his way or the highway and Grayson does not always agree." I say pouring milk into the cheese sauce.
"That's true." My mom points out.
"I'll just tell dad no football." I say.

Daddy Dolan isn't pleased with the pregnancies and Jamaica's daddy can't stand we husband, looks like everyone has daddy issues.

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