Chapter/29/: Disasterous Manner

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I woke up from my "nap". In Grayson's arms. He was out cold.
"Grayson." I say putting my hand on his jawline.
"Gray." I say again moving my hand up to his cheek.
"Grayson." I say again. He doesn't wake up. I laugh and gaze at his sleeping face.
I gently slide out of his arms. I stand up feeling dizzy but I begin to walk down the hallway to the girls nursery.
I look in and they aren't there. Confused, I look on their play room. And they aren't there.
I go back to my room and open the door. The curtains blocked out the bright sun. But the silhouetted light traveled through my all white room.
I laid back down in bed.
"The twins went with mom." Grayson mumbles in his sleep.
I move in closer to him and grip his big arms with my small hands. I was still cold but his touch warmed my entire body.

Grayson's POV
I woke up. Her hands holding tight to my arms.
"Hey." She says as her eyes flutter open.
"Let's go eat." I say placing my hand on her check and rubbing my thumb in circles.
"Where?" She asks closing her eyes again.
"That one sports bar across the river." I say sitting up. She's still gripping my arm tightly.
"Sure. Where did your mom take the twins?" She says sitting up and yawning.
"The zoo." I say jumping out of bed.


We were on our way to eat and I wasn't feeling normal. I took all of my medication so I must just be sleepy.

We got inside and got seated.

Grayson's POV

We were seated and Jamaica didn't look like herself. I put my hand on top of hers as she lightly smiled.
"I'm not feeling the best." She says taking giant gulps of water.
"Another water already?" Says our gay waiter pouring more water into her glass. She chugged that too.
"Okay I literally can't even breathe." She says.
"Come over and sit by me." I say with open arms. She sits on my side of the booth and lays her head on my shoulder. I wait few minutes and she's asleep. I chuckle.
"Jamaica." I say rocking her a bit.
I place one of my hands on her rib area.
"Owww." Her once lifeless body breathes out.
I let her relax for a few more minutes. Then I realize a change in pattern she isn't breathing.
"Jamaica." I say trying to get her to open her eyes.
"Someone call 911." I say pulling her up in an upright posture.
"Do you see that stand still traffic sir? Nobody's coming here or getting out." The waiter says.
I looked out onto the bridge of standstill traffic.
I looked down at Jamaica's unusually pale face. I couldn't lose her.
"Fine." I say sliding out of the booth.
"Sir you have to pay your bill." The waiter says. Jamaica has her arms around my neck and her head resting on my shoulder as her legs are wrapped around my torso.
"Do you not see my unconscious wife right now. I'm Grayson Dolan, I'll have my manager come back to pay for her 7 waters!" I say slamming out of the doors.
There was no way I could drive through the stand still traffic on the bridge.
"Okay Grayson, you got this." I say to myself.
I run through the traffic , through the stationary cars that are all honking at me. Jamaica starts to cough but then lays her head back down.
The hospital is two blocks away.
I run faster and faster through the traffic carrying a small Jamaica on me. I press a hand on her head to calm her and the other on her thigh for support.

Once I reach the hospital I run to Emergency.
"My wife can't breath , she's not breathing , someone please help her!"
"Bring her in here sir." Says a nurse running towards me. I lay her down on a stretched and watch them wheel her off.
"What's your name?" A nurse that holding me back asks.
"Grayson Dolan, don't you recognize me? That's my wife, that's my wife." I say running a hand through my hair , out of breath.
"That's my wife."

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