Chapter/21/: Family Secrets

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"Grayson behave yourself." I say before getting up to let my parents in our penthouse.
"Mom, dad! Come in come in!" I say opening the door. My parents greet
me and then walk in. They sit in the chairs across from the couch me and Grayson were sitting on.
"Sweet pea , we have some news." My mother says.
"What is it mom?" I ask concerned. "Your father and I are moving, b-back to Texas." She says quietly.
"For good." My dad adds. I feel like you've been hit by a truck. Grayson noticed my discomfort and put my hand in his.
"T-t-Texas huh. I'm happy but why?" I say.
"We miss it." My mom says. Now I am angry.
"You miss it mom, you're the reason we had to go away! You risked our lives coming here for you! I left family, friends , everything! And now that I'm settled here you want to ditch me and go back! You know what I don't care, go, I don't want you apart of my children's life anyways!" I say storming up the stairs.
"Jamaica!" Grayson yells standing up.

My mom looks at her lap and my father pinches his eyes to his nose with his thumb and index finger. I went into my babies' nursery and sat down.
"Jamaica we know your mad but we can still call and FaceTime and everything will be fine." My dad says. I walk over to the railway that looks down to the living room.
"You know what I think about that." I say. I drop my iPhone over the rail and it shatters on the floor below. I walk back into the nursery and cry. Minutes later I hear the door shut and Grayson comes up stairs.
"First, we are going to talk about this and second, we are going to Apple." Grayson says sitting next to me.
"Grayson you won't understand, you have your parents here, but mine are going to be, there and I'm here." I say as you cry even more. I was sad. But I was even more sad that when my parents go back they might pick up on some of the drama, rumors and secrets that I avoided by moving. They would either be clueless or find out all of my deepest secrets.

Jamaica might be exposed when her parents head back to the Lone Star state , steer clear mommy and daddy.

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