Chapter/38/: Life is Fragile

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*Grayson's POV
I walked through the guest bedroom door. Jamaica already came up a couple minutes before I did. When I walked in I heard snuffles.
"Jamaica, why are you crying." I say walking over towards the bed.
"This is so sad. Jimmy's mom is so little and cute and nobody goes to his burial and I couldn't image losing a child and this is so sad." She says pointing to the tv. Her hormones are out of control and One Tree Hill doesn't help.
I raise my eyebrows and smile.
"Wow hormones." I say flopping on the bed.
"Shut up. Are the twins okay." She's says her face illuminated by the screen.
" I just put them to bed. Babe your eyes are all puffy." I say moving from being propped up on my elbow to my back.
She lays her head down on my chest.
"Life is so fragile." She says.
"I know , I know." I say wrapping an arm around her.

I woke up a few hours later to her trying to push me off of her.
"Why are you so big." She scoffs as I finally let her breath.
"Why are you so small." I say rolling over.
"Shut up and feel this baby kick." She says pulling my hand to her stomach.
"He's kicking like crazy." I say adding my other hand.
"He?" She says opening an eye.
"Yep. Bet money." I say.
"If we have a girl you get to buy me a Lamborghini." She says.
"Deal." I say lifting her shift and kissing her gigantic belly.
She laughs revealing her beautiful smile.
"I love you." I say kidding her forehead.
"I love you too now be quiet and go to sleep." She says turning to her side facing me.

**Jamaicas POV
I walk downstairs extra early to my parents kitchen. My mom is the only one down there cooking breakfast.
"Good morning mom." I say sitting on a barstool.
"Mounin' honey." She says turning to face me with a bowl that she was mixing pancake batter in.
"Why you up so early?" She asks whisking the ingredients together.
"Oh I had back pain and I didn't want to wake up Grayson." I say holding my head up with my hands.
"You do a lot for that boy." She says looking down at her mixture.
"Well , well yeah momma I'm his wife." I say smiling.
"You gave up your career at that magazine , as an interior designer. And even singing. What happened to that?" She says putting the bowl down.
"I was going to get back in the studio before I was pregnant but now this baby is my only task right now." I say placing a hand on my stomach.
"Just don't give up everything. He's got to give up some things for you." She says.
"Yeah." I say sliding out of my chair.

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