Chapter/17/: Magcon??

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It was January 8th. I was looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a red dress that stretched over my 7 month pregnant twin belly. Grayson walked up behind me and kissed my neck.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yeah, I really want to know what you and Ethan have to announce." I say walking out of our bedroom.
We were in a limo and were driving to a fancy restaurant where we would meet Ethan and Brooke. When we got to the restaurant and were seated, Ethan started the conversation.
"7 months...... so close you ready?" He said looking at me and then to Brooke and then back at me.
"I like being pregnant but to be honest I can't wait to get them out." I say picking up my glass.
"What should we toast too?" Brooke asked raising her glass.
"To being 7 months into the game." Grayson said while raising his glass. We all clinked glasses and then ordered our food. When our food came we started eating. I got some type of fancy pasta.
"Soooo Eth I think it's time to tell them." Grayson said laying his fork down.
"Okay......... Well you guys ..... Um ..... Our manager wants us to go to the Magcon Texas Tour." Ethan said quickly taking a drink. I started choking and Brooke spit out her drink. "Ma... Magcon.... T..... Texas!" I say clearing my throat.
"Yep!" Grayson said smiling.
"Don't tell me you want us to go!" I basically screamed.
"We hope." Ethan said quietly.
"Hey we're going to Houston! Your home town!" Grayson smiled as he grabbed my hand.
"Brooke........." I say looking over at Brooke who had the same look frozen on her face. Oh lord this can't end well. "Ethan, I am 7 months pregnant !!! What makes you think I should go all the way down to Texas and back on a tight schedule and back and flying on a plane! Oh helllllllllllll no!" She yells drawing everyone's attention and walking out of the door.
"I'll go get her." I say taking a couple seconds trying to get up. I walk outside and look around and see a Starbucks a couple doors down.
"Bingo." I say to myself walking down the street hiding my face so nobody will recognize me. I get into Starbucks and see Brooke sitting at a table with a hot chocolate in her hand.
"My baby likes hot cocoa." She says as I sit down across from her.
"What are we going to do?" I ask.
"I am not going up in the air, I am not staying in a hotel, I am not meeting any of his fans , I'm just not. I don't want to be around too many people at this point in my pregnancy." She says taking a drink of her hot chocolate.
"I know, we just have to get that across there heads , in their minds its a great idea." I say standing up and holding my hand out. She grabs my hand and we make our way back to the restaurant where Ethan and Grayson are still sitting. We both sit down.
"Grayson, no just no I can't do that being 7 months pregnant with twins I can't and I won't. But I'll miss you." I say grabbing his hand.
"Yes babe, I know." He says rubbing both hands on his my stomach.
"Okay well when are you leaving and when will you be back?" Brooke says. "We leave on the night of the 15th and we get back on the 19th." Ethan says.
"I can deal." I say smiling at everybody.

Pregnant wives , or Magcon , I guess the twins choose Magcon.

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