Chapter/14 p.3/: Reception

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It was our wedding reception.

It was time for the speeches Brooke was first.
"Hiya everybody I'm Brooke, Jamaica's maid of honor. I knew Jamaica since my junior year in high school. I moved to New Jersey from Florida and I didn't know anyone , but Jamaica and I were soon best friends. She introduced me to the twins and I fell for Ethan obviously , so we started dating. Grayson had always told me that he really liked Jamaica but she always turned him down. He thought he was friend-zoned. But I talked to her and she said she didn't want to get involved with him because she didn't want to ruin her and Ethan's friendship. I knew that was a lie. She was head over heels for him. They finally got together senior year and they haven't seen any other person since then. They were always so much fun to be around when they were together because the vibe that they had together rubbed off on you. I knew they were truly meant to be. I love you guys ." The guests applaud while Ethan stands up.

"Hey everyone I'm Ethan, Grayson's twin, obviously. When I met Jamaica I knew we were just always going to be best friends. She told me everything and one day she finally told me that she had a thing for my brother. Now I was shocked that someone could put up with Grayson's messiness and how he would burp in your face every chance he got but somehow she liked him. Even though Grayson didn't tell me he liked Jamaica, I could tell. You see, Grayson is terrible at hiding things, one day he had some party to go to, as he walked towards the door he noticed Jamaica's car in our driveway. Jamaica and I were together just hanging out , when Grayson walks in and interrupts us. Us three watched tv and then Grayson and Jamaica sat on the couch giggling and flirting with each other. I was mad that Grayson had been spending time with my best friend but then I realized I'd have to get used to it. I guess I realized that I would have to give Jamaica a turn at being Grayson's better half."

Jamaica is Grayson's better half but who is there to help Jamaica?

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