Chapter/42/: HBD

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"Grayson..." I whisper in Grayson's ear.
"Don't wake me." He grumbles and turns away.
"My water broke." I say grabbing his arm.
"WHAT REALLY!?!" He yells getting up.
"Now I got ya up. It's your birthday!" I say running a hand through his messy bed head hair.
"Who cares." He says covering his face with a pillow and falling on his back.
"I do , 26 we're getting old." Ethan says walking through our bedroom door and flops on our bed.
I walk into the hallway and down to the kitchen and see Brooke and Bree. Bree and the twins run off to their room to play.
"Got any plans." Brooke says as I slump into a bar stool.
"I could give birth any minute so I think we're going to celebrate in like 3 weeks." I say placing a hand on my stomach.
"How are you." She says giving me a sympathetic smile.
"Stop." I say.
"Stop what." She asks.
"Treating me like a time bomb. Everyone is , it's annoying." I say.
"Right. I'm sorry Jamaica it's just , I don't really know how to handle this." She says.
"You don't need to handle anything. I'm about to give birth and I have a fatality possibility that's all, damn." I say standing to my feet and waddling over to the fridge to get water. I quickly set my glass on the table.
"Ow ohhhh my god." I say gripping the counter.
"Jamaica what's wrong??" Brooke says jumping from her seat.
"I'm fine , that was just a really big contraction. I say sitting down.
Grayson and Ethan walk downstairs.
"Aye Jewel, Gem let's go girls." Ethan says as he glides down the stairs.
"Come on Bree!" Brooke yells walking towards the front door.

We say our goodbyes and then the twins leave with Brooke and Ethan.
I sigh as I shut the door.
"Come on mommy." Grayson says patting the spot next to him on the couch. Is it down beside him and bury my head in his chest.
"My entire body hurts." I say with my voice muffled in his shirt.
"I know , it'll be fine I promise." He says rubbing my back.
The phone rings and I cringe. Grayson grabs it and puts the caller on speaker.
"Jamaica ! Honey!" My manager yells.
"Yes Maria." I moan.
"Your pregnancy shoot photos just came in, Jamaica I've got almost every parenting, pregnancy and motherhood magazine fighting for these photos on their covers!" She says.
"Cool." I say in pain.
"I'll email you the list and you can pick which one you want to sign with. Congrats honey, you did amazing." She says before hanging up.
Grayson picks up my phone and puts in his thumb print.
"What are you doing." I say still smothered in his chest.
"Looking at these photos." He says.
There's a moment of silence.
"Jamaica , oh my god." He says.
"What?" I say concerned with the result of my pictures.
"These are amazing!" He says scrolling through my photos.
I smile as I look at the photos of me and my bump.
One day , if I'm not there got this baby , they'll be able to look at these photos and have a memory with me , some type of connection. No matter what is going to happen to me within the next week, I cannot wait.

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