Chapter/43/: Oh Baby

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-Photograph ~ Ed Sheeran
-All of Me~ John Legend
I highly recommend photograph because ugh the feels .

"Ow ow ow." I moan in my sleep.
"That's 5." Grayson moans rubbing my back.
"I can't do this." I say turning on the lamp and sitting up.
Grayson sits up next to me.
"Owww, oh my gosh." I say.
"That's 6 within like 10 minutes." Grayson says.
There was a final burst of pain and then I felt liquid.
"Oh great." I say closing my eyes.
"It's baby time." I say pushing the covers away.
Grayson jumps up to my side to help me waddle into the hallway and down the stairs.
I stopped half way down.
"Ow , would you quit it!" I yell at my stomach.
"Don't worry your mommy is actually nice sometimes." Grayson laughs helping me down the stairs.
"Grayson. Shut the hell up and help me!" I yell angrily.

We got to the hospital and I was waddling down the hallway with on arm looped around Grayson's.
"There's something dripping on the floor , is there a leak?" Grayson says looking at the floor behind him.
"That's me you idiot." I say waddling faster.
"Sorry." Grayson's says shutting up.
We get to the front desk of the maternity floor.
"Mr. and Mrs. Dolan welcome we have your room ready follow me." The nurse says from behind the desk.
A team of nurses come in , get me in a gown, get my IV in and adjust my bed.
"Okay Mrs. Dolan are you wanting an epidural?" A nurse with a clipboard says as I settle in my bed.
"Hell yes drug me up." I say closing my eyes in pain.
They come in with my epidural and instruct me to sit on my bed and bend over. I clutch Grayson's hands and squeeze my eyes shut as they shoot the fluid into my lower back.
"Ow." Grayson whispers wiggling his fingers.
"I'm sorry Gray. I know this is your first labor , I've been so mean. I love you so much." I say kissing his forehead.
"I love you too." He says helping me lay back down.

*2 Hours Later*
I'm wrapped in Grayson's arms , taking deep breaths as my contractions get stronger.
"It's okay , you're doing great." Grayson whispers.
Being smothered by him was always my favorite.
I wince in pain and he holds onto me tighter.
"You're doing so good baby." He says.

*1 hour later*
"Okay Jamaica , you're 10 centimeters time to get going." My doctor announces walking into the room. Grayson squats at my bedside holding my hand.
My doctor reviews my chart, feels around my belly and then examines my area. He looks at my monitor and at the babies heart rate.
A team of nurses comes in the room ready for labor.
"Ow." I wince again.
"Mrs.Dolan, besides the contractions rate your pain on a scale from one to ten with ten being the worst." My doctor says studying the pain in my face.
"I don't know , 5." I say breathing deep.
"She's really tough. Jamaica come on be honest." Grayson says rubbing my hand.
"Okay 9." I say squeezing my eyes shut again in pain.
My doctor looks at another chart that was brought in by one of the nurses.
"Jamaica , you have s decision to make." My doctor begins. "If we do a natural birth your babies fatality is high, but your safety is ensured. If we do a c-section, the baby will be safe but your fatality is high. What will it be?" He asks softly.
I look at Grayson and study his eyes. He nods at me and I close my eyes imaging losing his baby.
"I want the c-section." I say.
"Are you sure." The doctor asks.
"Yes , yes I'm sure." I say nodding my head.
Grayson kisses me and holds my hand tighter.
"I'm here and I love you no matter what happens." He says.
"I love you too Gray." I say with a tear rolling down my face.
The nurses prepare for a c-section.

Five minutes later I can here my baby crying.
"It's a boy." Grayson smiles gazing at our newborn. I smile too , before everything goes dark......

All I have is a memory. A memory of the 16-year old boy I fell in love with. The 22 year old , I married and grew with. Our children remind me of him everyday. The thoughts we shared. The arguments that only made us grow closer. The laughs, cries and heartbreaks. He was there with me through it all. His smile that made me fall in love with him all over again. His comforting arms, his kissable lips, his voice that always comforted me. He is apart of me. He is my better half, my best friend , my soulmate. He is my world and my everything. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have been apart of his life, been his wife and a mother too his children. He is my only one. He is my future. I didn't know that one bump into each other would determine my future. My future , with the twins.

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