Chapter/9/: Graduation College Edition

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It was the night of graduation Friday April 25th, 2014. Me and the twins and our families went out to eat at a very high-class restaurant in New York.
"So Jamaica, did you tell the Dolans the exciting news?" My mom asks her face beaming. I gave her a look and said
" Well everyone, I uh, I got a job at Runway magazine." I say pushing my food around with a fork. Mr.Dolan gasps
"Wow already!"
" yeah I'm lucky I majored in interior AND fashion design." I say smiling. "Well what will you be doing?" Mrs.Dolan squeals.
"Mom." Grayson and Ethan say at the same time.
"I'm just excited boys!" She says.
" well I get two pages in each issue where I get to feature my "top picks" of everything from clothes to jewelry to home decor." I say picking up my glass of wine.
"And where do you find everything." She asks.
"Well that's the best part. They give me this credit card and I basically get to go shopping, drop everything I bought off at floor 3, which is photography, and then get everything back and keep it for myself!" I say.
" I also have an office on floor 6, I have an assistant and I get to write my own captions and articles." I say. "That's wonderful honey!" Mrs.Dolan practically screams
" and where will you stay?" She asks.
"Well , Jamaica, your father and I have a surprise!" My mom steps in. "We bought you a penthouse a block away from Runway in Tribeca!" I drop my fork , Ethan chokes on his food and Grayson coughs up his wine.
"Oh my gosh!!Are you serious!?" I ask starting to stand to give my parents hugs.
"Yep but." My mom says sitting back down.
"What?" I say nervously sitting back in my chair.
"It's for you AND Grayson." She says pulling out two keys. Grayson jumps up and shouts
"Yes!" punching his fists in the air. Everyone laughs and I giggle "Grayson ..." He sat down looking embarrassed.
"Thanks so much!" He says. Once the dinner was over me and Grayson hoped into my convertible and drove to my new penthouse. I walked into the tall building and went to the elevator. Grayson pushed the button that said "Penthouse" it took us right up to a hallway with only one door. I noticed there was a doormat that said "D" in a fancy cursive letter. I rolled my eyes and then twisted my key and opened the door. Grayson's jaw dropped and my heart sank. When the door opened there was about 3 feet of flooring and then two steps forward was the living room with a fireplace and a giant window that looked out at NYC and a giant tv. To the left there was a hallway with three doors one being our bedroom and the other being the laundry room and a guest bedroom. To the right there was a short mini hallway that lead into the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful , marble countertops and stainless steal appliances. Next to the kitchen was the dinning room. The dining room opened up to the living room. On the far left side of the living room was a beautiful spiral staircase. Me and Grayson ran up and gazed in awe at 3 doors lined up. The door on the far left was completely empty room that was super big. The middle door lead to a room that had 12 seats lined up orderly with an aisle running down the middle and a giant screen in front. There was a popcorn machine in the corner of the room. In the far right door was the most shocking thing of all. On the left was a towel rack and a place to put your clothes and right in front of you was a nice hot tub. I looked at Grayson and he looked as if he could be in tears. I was thinking how perfect everything was. My dream penthouse which had furniture and everything I had picked out with my mom not knowing why i was picking stuff out, i had Grayson to share this beautiful place with and I have an amazing job this makes me so happy. Grayson leaned down and kissed me for a very long time.
"I love so so much!" He said.
"I love you a thousand times more!" I say pulling him down the stairs. For the rest of the night me and Grayson had fun in our new home together.

Fresh out of college and a new house already? They're growing up so fast!

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