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Chapter five

"No guarantee's either way."

The next morning, the kids were all away from the carnage, as the adults all worked on cleaning up the carnage from last night, Andrea still hadn't moved from her sister, as everyone else was moving around her, there was a fire burning so that they could burn the walkers, as Scarlett swung the axe into a walkers head, she then pulled it out, as T Dog and Glenn walked up carrying the body over to the fire, Scarlett headed past Shane and Lori down the hill to help bring the rest of the bodies up with the others.

They all had then come back up, as Scarlett was holding the walkers legs while Morales was struggling to lift up the top half "okay just..just switch with me." she told him "no, I can do it." Morales told her, as Daryl walked up throwing his pick axe down next to her axe "move." he said, crouching down and lifting up the top half, the two began carrying it over to the fire "what are you guys doing?" Glenn asked "what does it look like Glenn?" Scarlett asked him "this is for geeks. Our people go over there." Glenn shared, pointing to the left "what's the difference? They're all infected." Daryl shared.

As him and Scarlett put the body down "our people go in that row over there. We don't burn them! We bury them. Understand? Our people go in that row over there." Glenn shared, holding his arm out to the left, Scarlett took a deep breath as her and Daryl picked the body back up and carried it to the left "reap up what you sow." Daryl told them "god, just shut up." Scarlett told him, dropping the body, and walking away from him, causing Daryl to stumble over, he stared at her, as Scarlett picked her axe up "ya'll left my brother for dead. You had this coming." Daryl told them all, walking off.

Scarlett walked up to the walker on the ground, swinging her axe into it's head, Jacqui and Jim walked up to her, Scarlett noticed the blood on Jim's shirt "your bleeding?" she questioned "I just got some on me from the bodies." Jim shared, going to bend down to grab the walker "I think the doctor can decipher between fresh blood." Jacqui told him "did you get bit?" Scarlett asked him "no. I got scratched during the attack." Jim told her, as Scarlett stood up "your bit." she said "I'm fine." Jim told her "then lift your shirt up and show me." Scarlett told him, as Jim stood up looking at her "don't tell, please." he told her.

As Jacqui's eyes went wide as she moved away from the two "a walker got him. A walker bit Jim." she shared, as everyone moved over, Scarlett slowly put her axe down on the ground and put her hands up "it's okay." she told him, showing him that she wasn't a threat "I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim said "show it to us. Show it to us." Daryl told him, as Jim turned grabbing the shovel "no, no! Just put the shovel down! Nobody's gonna hurt you!" Scarlett voiced "grab him! Grab him!" Daryl voiced "Jim, put it down. Put it down." Shane said.

As T Dog ran up behind Jim grabbing him by the arms and making him drop the shovel "I'm okay." Jim said, as Scarlett walked forward, lifting his shirt up and seeing the bite, she stepped back, as T Dog let him go "I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." Jim repeated over and over.

Where Jim was sitting by the RV, as the others were standing in a circle "I say we put a pick axe in his head and the dead girls and be done with it." Daryl shared "is that what you'd want? If it were you?" Shane asked "yeah, and I'd thank you while you did it." Daryl shared "profound." Scarlett told him, as Daryl looked at her with raised brows "I hate to say it, I never thought I would..but maybe Daryl's right." Dale said "Jim's not a monster, Dale, or some rabid dog." Rick shared "I'm not suggesting.." Dale told him "he's sick. A sick man. We start down that road, where do we draw the line?" Rick asked.

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