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Chapter thirty

"When the kingdom is safe." 

It had been two days since then and Rick hadn't come to talk to Scarlett about it and she wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing, as Michonne had this idea to put down wires along the field to pop their tires so as her, Glenn, Daryl and Beth were out in the field, Scarlett, Maggie and Carl were out by the fence banging pots "hey! Over here! come on! Right here! Here! Here!" the three of them yelled, trying to get the walkers attention, where as the others were driving back up to the prison, Scarlett, Carl and Maggie headed back through the gate, walking through the pathway up there.

Opening the gate, Maggie closed it behind them, as they walked up to them, Rick was standing there as he looked at them and then looked to Daryl "let's go." he said, as they all began heading inside.

Having gone back inside, Scarlett had found Judith and when she did, Judith reached her arms out to her, as Scarlett chuckled, picking her up out of her crib, she turned walking out of the cell and into the cafeteria to feed her, holding in one arm, she began making the bottle with the other, as she closed it up and grabbed it, she turned walking back to the cell block, passing Hershel, Maggie and Beth.

As she walked inside, going into her cell, she sat down on the bed and began feeding her, as she smiled down at her "once there was a brave a king who lived with his family in a kingdom made out of stone where he was in charge of keeping everybody safe and loved. But out on the rocky shores was a ruthless pirate captain with one eyes who persuade the king, wanting to take the kingdom for his own." she shared, putting the bottle down next to her.

"Armed with a crew of men, he planned to storm the castle. But when him and the king met out on the shore, the captain offered him a deal to hand over his stowaway who had escaped from his ship and come upon his land. But the king wouldn't let her go cause she had become a member of their kingdom. So he would fight till their enemies were vanquished and the kingdom was safe again." she shared, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.

As the day went on, Rick came and found her, saying he needed to talk to everyone, as the two walked outside together, Scarlett held Judith close to her, Carl, Beth and Hershel were sitting on the bench, while Carol sat nearby, Scarlett went and sat next to Carl, as Glenn and Maggie walked up, standing next to them, they all looked at Rick "when I met with the governor, he offered me a deal. He said..he said he would live us alone if I gave him Michonne. And I was gonna do that." Rick shared, as Carl looked down, Scarlett put her arm around him.

"To keep us safe. But I changed my mind. But now Merle took Michonne to fulfill the deal and Daryl went to stop him and I don't know if it's too late. I was wrong not to tell you. And I'm sorry. What I said last year, that first night after the farm..it can't be like that. It can't. What we do, what we're willing to do, who we are, it's not my call. It can't be. I couldn't sacrifice one of us for the greater good because..because we are the greater good. We're the reason we're still here, not me. This is life and death. How you live..how you die..it isn't up to me. I'm not your governor. We choose to go. We choose to stay. We stick together. We vote. We can stay and we can fight or we can go." he shared, as he turned walking off.

They all had decided to stay which meant their plan to keep them all alive was put in place, as Judith was lying on the bed, Scarlett was packing up all her stuff including formula, bottles, diapers, clothes and toys and putting the bags into the crib, knowing when the governor came he would just destroy it all, as she picked it up, she turned walking out of the cell as Daryl walked in front of her "you taking that to the car?" he asked, as Scarlett nodded "I didn't wanna risk him destroying it all." she shared, turning to look at Judith "I was gonna come back to get her and Carl." she shared.

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