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Chapter thirty eight

"A mother's rage." 

Back with Scarlett and Judith, they all had stopped on the train tracks for the night, as Tyreese and Mika were sleeping, Lizzie was up taking watch with Carol although Carol and Lizzie were more so watching Scarlett and Judith, where Judith was asleep in Scarlett's arms but Scarlett couldn't sleep, anytime she closed her eyes she saw Rick dying over and over and she didn't even wanna think about how Carl died "you can sleep, Lizzie. We're okay." Carol told her "she's not okay. She doesn't talk, doesn't sleep, barely eats, she holds Judith all the time." Lizzie shared.

"Scarlett's been through a lot. She's not exactly gonna let the last thing she cares about out of her sight." Carol shared "do you think they'll be kids there? At terminus?" Lizzie asked "if their parents kept them safe. Like Scarlett kept all of you safe." Carol shared "I saved Tyreese. There were people shooting at him. I shot them. first a man, then a women. I didn't mean to shoot her in the head." Lizzie shared "you had to. You saved Tyreese." Carol shared "then we found Scarlett. She was bleeding a lot. I don't know why cause she wasn't shot or bit. Just sitting there screaming and crying as she held Judith in her arms." Lizzie shared.

As Carol turned looking back at Scarlett, Scarlett was pacing as she held Judith in her arms, she knew in her bones that they couldn't trust terminus, they had no idea who those people were and judging by the few unfriendly folks she had ran into she knew trusting other people in this world was dangerous.

And that included the people she was with right now. Tyreese was strong but he also wanted to still help people when it could get him killed. Mika was a little girl who needed to be looked after seeing as any snap of a branch made her jumpy. Lizzie was strange always had been but now that she was stuck with her she always asked too many questions and always stared at her where Scarlett girl or not was ready to take her down if she had to. And then Carol, a woman she's known for a long time now wasn't there at the prison and then came up with some lie seeing as her and Rick supposedly split up to bring supplies back to the prison, Rick would've never left her behind unless it was absolutely necessary. So in the end none of them could be trusted.

The next morning, Scarlett wanted to start moving again but Carol seemed to want to heal Tyreese's wound on his arm first, where Scarlett stood at the front holding Judith in her arms, she kept her eyes out, as Mika stood close to her, Lizzie was pacing in front of them, looking at the three of them every few seconds.

They soon began walking, where Scarlett was walking ahead of them "did Tom Sawyer have a happy ending? We never got to finish it." Mika shared "well, Tom and Huck, they stop Injuh Joe's partner and wind up getting all the gold." Carol shared "do they wind up rich?" Mika asked "mm-hmm. And the widow Douglas adopts Huck." Carol shared "like you adopted us?" Mika asked "yeah, just like the widow Douglas." Carol said "and I'm Huck Finn." Mika shared "I think your more like Tom Sawyer." Lizzie told her "yeah, you're right. You're way more like Huck Finn. You're not even grossed out by dead rabbits." Mika shared.

"Forgot you used to read to em." Tyreese said "I did." Carol said, as they continued walking, a fire soon could be smelled "Scarlett we're gonna stop. Need to look for water." Carol shared, as Scarlett huffed, turning and walking into the woods, the others followed her, where Carol and Mika had gone off to get water, leaving Scarlett, Lizzie and Tyreese "I spy tree's and weeds. Your turn." Lizzie said, as Scarlett was watching the walker come down the tracks, Scarlett turned to Tyreese, handing him Judith, she pulled her knife out as she began walking down the tracks toward's it.

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