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Chapter forty seven

"Welcome back home, Scarlett." 

They all were walking up to the gate as it was being opened, Aaron let Eric go in, as Scarlett walked up with Judith something rattled as everyone turned to it, Daryl shot it, as the gate fully opened, a man was standing there, as Daryl held the possum "we brought dinner." he said "it's okay. Come on in, guys." Aaron told them, as Glenn and Daryl walked in first, the others followed in behind, the gate then closed behind them, and as it did, Scarlett felt like she was trapped all over again, as she took a deep breath, fixing her hold on Judith.

"Before we take this any further, I need you al to turn over your weapons. You stay, you hand em over." the man shared "we don't know if we wanna stay." Rick shared "it's fine, Nicholas." Aaron told him "if were gonna use them, we would have started already." Rick shared "let them talk to Deana first." Aaron told Nicholas "who's Deana?" Abraham asked "she knows everything you'd want to know about this place. Rick, why don't you start?" Aaron asked, as Rick looked at them all, he saw a walker behind the gate "Sasha." he said, as Sasha turned around, bringing her gun up, she shot it, as the second gate closed "it's a good thing we're here." Rick shared, walking off.

Where when Rick came back from talking to Diana, Scarlett was the next one to go in, Carl stepped toward's her to take Judith "she can bring her in." Aaron said, as Scarlett fixed her hold on Judith, she began walking off, heading into the building, she walked into a room, seeing a couch, a camera on the table in the middle of it, a chair across from it and bookshelves all around, and a fireplace with a tv on it "hello." a woman said, as Scarlett turned looking at her "I'm Deana Monroe." Deana introduced herself "I'm Scarlett Grimes. And this is Judith." Scarlett told her.

"You mind if I film this?" Deana asked her "do you need to?" Scarlett asked "like I told your husband, we're about transparency here." Deana shared, walking over and sitting on the couch, Scarlett went and sat in the chair, holding Judith in her arms "I recall your name. Our doctor here Pete Anderson, said you met in college got married your senior year, you two even did your residency program together but then when you had your exam he said you disappeared." Deana shared, and when she did, Scarlett got nervous "um, that's a..that's a long story." she shared.

And Deana could tell she was getting uncomfortable "so how long have you been out there? Rick said since the beginning and that none of you knew each other before." she shared "me and him did. When I became an attending I.." Scarlett said, knowing her own story and wanting to say runaway but she couldn't, she didn't know this woman "I left. Ended up in a small town in Georgia, was sitting at the bar when an off duty deputy sheriff walked up and sat next to me, asking me my story. I told him it. And we became really good friends. For eight really good years." she shared, not being able to not smile when she thought about it.

"I'm guessing that deputy was Rick?" Deana asked her, as Scarlett nodded "yeah. And before everything happened, Rick had been shot on duty and brought into my OR. I saved his life. Where when the army came into the hospital and started shooting doctors and patients. I didn't run. I stayed there and killed the corporal who came in his room to kill him and me. I waited weeks in that room for him to wake up. Because he told me that night in that bar that I'd be safe and I knew in that moment he was right. So I kept him safe. We..we kept each other safe." she shared.

"How did you keep each other safe?" Deana asked her "have you ever been in a situation even before where somebody who's supposed to love you, hurts you instead?" Scarlett asked her "no, I can't say I have. Why?" Deana asked "because having been there once you've taken off the rose colored glasses and start seeing things clearly. There's this look that people get when you know they're gonna kill you. No matter who it is it's always the same. That's how we've kept each other safe, knowing who we can trust and who we can't trust. And the people we can't trust or the people who try to hurt us are no longer with us because we chose to kill them first." Scarlett shared.

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