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Chapter seventy seven

"Put your hands up now, blondie."

The two had gotten back in their van and regrouped with the others that they came out here with where by the time they made it back to the hilltop it was dark and the saviors vehicles were there as they all got out and waited with their guns, they could hear them whistling, as gunfire followed "god damn it, no! Back to the truck! Go! Go! Go!" Simon voiced, as him and the other saviors came running out, they all turned their car headlights on, as Rick, Scarlett and the other moved forward and began shooting at them.

Scarlett and Rick were taking them out as they exited the gates, where when they ran out of bullets again, they threw their guns down and pulled out their machete and axe, as they went around the bus, one of them swung at Rick as he killed him, Scarlett turned killing the one that ran up to them as they rounded the corner, another one ran up, as she kicked him back, Rick killed him, as Rick walked toward's the one on the ground by someone, Scarlett heard an engine start up, as she turned running to the gate, she met up with Maggie, Rick followed after them, as the three brought their handguns up and shot at them as they drove away.

The three stood there breathing heavy "I wanted them dead. All of them. Negan most of all." Maggie shared "yeah. Me too." Rick shared "did you see him?" Maggie asked "not here. We went out there with your plan. He was in the back of the convoy. Alone. Vulnerable. We broke off and took our shot. Crashed his car. He ran into a building. We ran after him tried to kill him. Even set his bat on fire. But.." Scarlett shared "we didn't, but we tried." Rick shared "thank you." Maggie told them, as Scarlett and Rick looked to her.

The next morning, Scarlett and Rick were in the room that Judith and the other kids who were here were staying in, the two of them were taking the wood off the windows in order to open them to let some air in seeing as the generators were turned off to save on gas, neither of the two said anything to each other but they didn't need to.

Sitting outside with Rick, Scarlett had stitched up his cut along with any that she had "I wouldn't have died if I had went out there." a little boy said "you would have, Henry. Just trust me." Carol said, as the two walked inside, Rick was reloading his gun as he put it in his holster "I can treat your wounds." Siddiq shared "I already did it." Scarlett shared, standing up, not even looking at him, Rick stood up and went to follow her inside "look, I know you don't like me." Siddiq shared, causing Scarlett and Rick to stop on the steps, Scarlett turned around "don't like you?" she asked, walking down the steps "you got our son killed!" she voiced, shoving him back.

Siddiq stumbled as Scarlett stepped toward's him "because of you we had to watch him die, painfully!" she voiced, shoving him again, Siddiq fell onto the ground and as he did, the others came running out, as Carol, Maggie and Daryl stood in the front, Rick turned to them holding his hands up, he looked back at Scarlett "I can't even look at you without seeing him dying! All you are is a walking reminder! Everyone else here may like you but I never will! Your not gonna come near me, your not gonna come near my husband and your sure as hell not coming near any of my kids! Or I will kill you myself! Whether it's by me ripping your throat out with my own teeth or feeding you to walkers!" Scarlett voiced, turning and when she did, she saw everyone staring at her, as she walked away from them, Rick went down the steps and followed after her.

Where that night, Scarlett had her head in her hands not being able to sleep, cause now every time she closed her eyes she didn't see Glenn or Abraham, she saw Carl dying and what she had to do, as Rick was sitting next to her having not been able to sleep either "what you said to.." he told her "I shouldn't have said it." Scarlett told him "no, no, you told him to stay away from you that night. He..he didn't listen." Rick shared "he probably didn't even do anything when the walkers came for him.." Scarlett shared, her voice breaking "if I had stayed home. If I was there..I could've.." she shared, crying, Rick put his arm around her, pulling her close to him, he kissed her on the head "we both could've.." he told her, his voice breaking.

But as it did, the two then heard screaming, as the two pulled away from each other, they sat up and ran out of the room, although as they did, Scarlett turned back, grabbing the hat, as she turned running after him, there were walkers and people bitten everywhere, Scarlett was helping people who weren't bit get out of there and out to safety, as she ran outside, she began ushering them all away, but as she did, she felt a gun aimed at her back "put your hands up now, blondie." a man said, as Scarlett put her hands up "start walking." the man told her, and as he did, Scarlett noticed a bunch of saviors circle around her, as she began walking, the man kept the gun on her back as the rest of them followed her.

Where it had been a few minutes, as Maggie headed outside with Jesus and four others "hands up now!" Maggie voiced "hey, we're trying to help! A..a..a kid came and opened up the pen. We had people turn. A bunch of them left and they took..but a bunch of em are trying to close the gate.' Alden shared "who'd they take?" Maggie asked, as Alden looked at her "who did they take!" Maggie voiced "she was blonde had a cowboy hat." Alden shared, as Maggie looked to Jesus "they took Scarlett!" she voiced, her eyes wide.

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