Chapter 29

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Mary's POV:
He goes back to his house to get his charger and some clothes. I go into my room and make a huge bed with pillows and blankets.
I change into my pajamas since its been a long day. As soon as I get my shirt on I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in."
Luke comes in holding a stack of clothes.
"Um, your mom said that if we get hungry, she put some food on the table."
"Ok," I say "So, what should we do?"
"Well first I'll go change and then we could, I don't know...its lame."
"No say it,"
"We could play a game or something."
"Ok well I have plenty, actually," I say "Why don't you just change and I'll get some."
"Ok, I'll be back." he starts to go out the door
"You can just change in here, if you want."
I turn to look in my closet for something for us to play.
I decide on Monopoly and CandyLand then turn around to set them down.
"Hey I chose these two-"
I look up and he's still just in his boxers.
"Oh, sorry I'm a slow dresser."
"It's-its fine. But,um, I chose these but we don't have to. We could do something else."
Now he has his pants on and is putting his shirt on.
"Monopoly is fine."
We sit down and start playing, but then Luke has to pay for a spot.
"That will be 50 dollars." I say
"I only have 40," he says "Will the bank take a kiss in place of 10 dollars?"
I throw a game piece at him and stand up.
"I don't think I can play anymore, my brain is mush."
"Me too." he says, standing up and groaning while stretching.
I go over to my bed and lay across it.
"Wanna play The Asking Game?"
I get in my elbows and stare at him.
"What?" He asks
"Don't be a fuckboy, that's what."
"I won't. Ok I'll ask you a question and then you'll ask me one."
"Alrighty." I say
"Ok," he looks at the ceiling "who was your first celebrity crush?"
I'm not sure if I could say it, it's pretty embarrassing.
"Not gonna lie, The Jonas Brothers."
"Hey, I was like 12. And my favorite was Nick. I seriously had a Jonas Brothers shirt that I always wore as soon as it was washed."
"Ok your turn."
"Alright," I think "who's the first girl band you ever had a crush on?"
He turns red and says "Ok, it's embarrassing, but The Spice Girls."
"Yup I would walk around the house singing Wannabe even though it was an old song."
This went on until 2 am.
Now we're laying on the floor facing each other. I can see the sleepiness coming over him, and I can feel my eyelids getting heavier.
"I'm really going to miss you." he says
"I'm going to miss you too."
"But it's only for a few weeks, six at the most."
I stare at him for a while and then a thought pops into my head.
"Luke m, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Well, why did you...what...what made us go so fast?"
He studies me for what feels like forever.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, we only officially met each other a little over a year ago and now we're so serious. Why?"
"I'll tell you why," he says "because ever since we were in grade school I've always thought you were interesting. You were different.
You were always so quiet, always so nice. I was chubby in school and everyone teased me, but you never did. I'd always want to talk to you.
Then, well, I got hot. I slimmed down and stretched out. No one made fun of me, and I wanted to try to talk to you again. Our first year of high school, I tried once at lunch, but it didn't work. Then we decided to form the band. I knew you were Ashton's sister so I suggested practicing in your garage. I gained confidence, but not enough, so I didn't try.
Then last year I finally worked up the courage to talk to you and everything I ever felt for you picked up the pace of things."
" that's why?"
"Mhm." he says sleepily
I watch him slightly doze off.
"You need to sleep, you've probably had a long day."
He doesn't respond so I get a pillow, flip him on his back and gently place it under his head. I get a blanket and another pillow then lay down beside him.
"Goodnight." I whisper
Liz comes in seconds later to check on us.
"Sorry, we got into a long conversation. No funny business up here?"
"No ma'am," I say "he fell asleep."
"Oh, well," she turns off the light "sweet dreams."
Luke's POV:
I wake up to her beside me.
It's hard to believe that one day I may get to do this on a regular basis.
I shift slightly so I don't wake her up. But her eyes open and a sleepy smile spreads across her face.
"Morning," she says, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes
"Morning," I say "Im sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's fine, I needed to get up anyway. I think our moms might still be asleep."
We walk downstairs and, sure enough, they're both passed out.
I go into the kitchen and sit down at the kitchen table, and hear my stomach growl.
"I can make some breakfast, if you'd like?" She says
"Ok, I'll help if you need me to."
We make pancakes and then sit down at the table.
"Sorry if they're bad, I'm not a good cook."
I take a bite of my chocolate chip pancakes, "They're really good."
We eat in silence, but then I decide to bring up tomorrow.
"Hey, um, tomorrow we have to leave pretty early. We have to be on the earliest flight so we can get there at a decent time. I'm not sure if Ash knows so I figured..."
She's looking down and I can see that her eyes are starting to water.
"I know," I say "Its going to be hard. But I'll call you every chance I get, I'll FaceTime you, text you, anything to communicate with you."
"It's not just that."
"Then what is it?"
She wipes her eyes,"I know there are girls who are prettier than me. And I just worry that you'll have groupies and forget me."
I laugh a little, "How could I forget you?"
"Distance does things to feelings."
"Well it just so happens that my feelings are distance proof."
I look out my window and see it's still dark outside. I couldn't sleep last night so I get up and get ready. It's an hour drive and we have to be there at 6, it's 3:45 now.
I go into Mom and Dad's room to wake them up. Then I get dressed and sit my suitcase at the door.
Soon it's time to roll out and we get into Mom's van and go pick up Calum, Michael, and Ashton.
"Everyone's parents are coming, aren't they?"
"Yes." we say together
"Are you guys excited?"
"I am," Calum says "I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited."
"Same," the rest of us say
"They told us to be careful at the airports, there will be a lot of people, but I doubt it. We're just a small band."
Finally we get to the airport and walk to the gate. Ashton's mom and Mary are there, Calum and Michael's parents are too.
Mary walks up to us.
"This is it," she says
"We'll miss you, Mary." Calum says "All of us."
She hugs him, then Ashton, then Michael, and then comes to me.
She wraps her arms tight around my neck and whispers, "Goodbye, Luke."
I squeeze her and say, "Hey, don't cry. We'll finally be together some day. And this isn't goodbye, it's more of a 'see you later, ok?"
She nods and wraps her arms around me again
We stay like this for a few more minutes, even if everyone's watching us.
Then I hear a voice, "Flight 463 is now boarding."
She squeezes me and says "Luke, I love you."
I look down at her and smile "I love you too, don't forget that."
I look around and see they're still watching, but I bend down and kiss her.
"I'll be doing that in a few weeks."
Mary's POV:
I walk with him until we get to the door.
"See you soon."
He kisses me one last time, and then they're gone.

AN: haha this sucked but I hope you like it :-) ~M

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