Chapter 5

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Mary's POV:
In math, I sit in the back of the room. I asked my teacher if I could at the beginning of the year and she said it was ok. Sarah isn't in any of my other classes, so I'm alone for the rest of the day.
I see Luke come in and go to the teacher. They talk for a while, and then Luke comes back to me and sits down.
"Hey, are you ok?" he says
"You're supposed to be in the front." I say
"Well I asked if I could sit back here, it's a better view." he says with a little smile that makes his dimples appear.
At the end of class we're already ahead of the other classes, so we have some extra time to talk.
"You don't have to do this." I say
"Do what?" he asks
"This. You don't have to be nice to me. I mean, all of a sudden you start talking to me. I know it's just because I'm your friend's little sister."
"That's not why I'm doing this. I'm doing this because I know what it's like to be bullied. It fucking sucks."
I didn't expect that to come out of his mouth. I've always thought he was a popular guy and no one would make fun of him.
"I'll explain later."
He walks with me to my locker. A bunch if girls say hi to him and just give me dirty looks. Others stare at us and just whisper.
Luke notices and just says "Take a fucking picture it will last longer."
When we go to eat lunch, he stays with me.
"Where do you usually sit?" he asks
"I usually just sit out in the hallway. My friend Sarah doesn't have lunch at the same time as me so I'm usually a loner."
"Not today, follow me." he says with a smirk.
I follow him to a table. Calum and Michael are already there. I sit down next to Michael.
"Dude, can you move?" Luke asks him.
"Aww does Lukey wanna sit with his little crush?"
"Michael I swear to God if you don't move I will punch you."
"Ok, ok I'll move. God, Luke let me go get you a fresh cup of calm the fuck down."
Luke sits next to me and starts eating. Things are a little quiet until he speaks up.
"So, um, are you going anywhere after school?"
"Well not really. Sarah already has family plans today so I'm just going home I guess."
"Nope. You're coming home with me. Friday's our day off from practice."
"Um, ok?"
The rest of the day went by quickly and before I knew it, I was getting into Luke's car.

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