Chapter 9

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Mary's POV:
I wake up the next morning and roll over into my back. I replay the events from the previous evening over and over. Did Luke really say he loved me? Or did I dream it? I have no idea why I would dream that, I don't like him, at least I don't think I do.
"Mary," I hear Ashton call from downstairs "come down for breakfast."
"Ok." I yell back
I walk out the door, not bothering to look in the mirror. I don't look in the mirror anyway, I haven't for almost two years now. I don't see the point in looking in the mirror because I don't like what I see.
When I get downstairs, I smell pancakes cooking. I walk into the kitchen and I'm shocked.
Luke's sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging his feet.
"Um, where's mom?" I ask
"Oh yeah, the hospital called her in, so I'm making breakfast. And Luke came early do we can practice longer, Calum and Michael will be here in an hour."
I look over at Luke, he's just staring off into space.
"Oh, well hey Luke. Ashton I'm going to go get ready and then I'll come back down and eat breakfast."
I go upstairs and step into the shower. I just stand there letting the hot water hit me.
Luke's POV:
"Hey Luke can you go tell her breakfast is ready?" Ashton asks me
I go up to her room and knock on the door.
"Mary?" I say quietly
No answer. I'm worried something might be wrong with her so I knock again. She doesn't answer. I open the door and see that she isn't in her room, then I hear the shower. I go into her room anyway and look around. This is only the second time I've been in here, and the first time I just stood at the door. I decide to look around.
One of the walls is completely covered with posters and pages ripped from magazines. The other one is bare, except there's one thing on it. I walk to the wall and see that it's a piece of notebook paper taped onto the wall that says:
For when the guys
Become famous
I'm guessing she means us. I walk to her cluttered bookshelf and read the spines of some of the books. I notice she's had to stack some up on the floor since her bookshelf is kind of small. I pick up one of the books and start to read it. I really like it, even though I'm not really a reader. I'm only a few pages into it when I hear her voice.
"What are you doing?" she asks
I turn around and see her wrapped in a towel, and I can see from the middle of her thigh down and part of her chest.
"Um- I, Ashton wanted me to tell you that breakfast was ready."
"So you came in my room and decided to just pick up To Kill a Mockingbird and wait until I got out of the shower?"
"Well actually, I uh yeah."
I'm feeling a little uncomfortable now. Seeing her standing there in nothing but a towel just, let's just say I had a little trouble breathing. But I don't know why.
She leans against the door face, surprisingly comfortable in this situation.
"Well do you like it?" she asks.
Like what? The book or the sight of her?
"The book? Uh yeah." is all I can say
"Well if you want you can borrow it." she says
She walks over to me and takes the book from me. I can't help but look down at her, and I see a little down her towel from where I'm taller than her. I really need to get out of here. She takes a piece of paper and places it where I left off.
"Here you go." she says with a smile
"Uh, thanks."
"Can you tell Ashton that I'll be down in a few minutes?"
"Yeah sure." I say walking out the door.
I lay the book on the coffee table and walk through the kitchen to the garage.
"She said she'll be down in a few minutes." I say as I pass Ashton
"You alright Luke?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."
I close the door behind me and sit down with my head in my hands. I start thinking about how I felt seeing her, she had her hair up in this messy bun and that towel wrapped around her. I just can't handle this anymore, I can't do it. She just makes me feel some sort of way. Like, I try to not think about liking her, but I end up liking her even more. Why do feelings exist?
Mary's POV:
Luke just walked out of my room looking a little uncomfortable. I can't believe how confident I was standing in front of him. I decide to just put my hair up today and I go to my closet. I check the weather and it's supposed to rain today, so I decide to wear some light skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I put on some socks and head downstairs and see Ashton's already set the table.
"Just sit down." he says
I do and a minute later him and Luke walk into the dining room with a big plate of pancakes.
"Wait, there's more." Luke says
He walks back out with a can of whip cream and some blueberries.
"Wow, they look really good."
"Well, Ash burned the first few, so it took us a while."
They sit down and we enjoy our breakfast.
"Luke, if you don't mind me asking, what did you guys do yesterday?" Ashton asks
"We just watched movies the whole time until-" he looks over at me and I just shake my head
"Until what?"
"Until the last one ended and we realized how late it was."
That was close.

AN: I know this chapter was really boring but it will be better

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