Chapter 11

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Mary's POV:
Luke says he has another surprise for me, so I ask him what it is.
"What's the rest if the surprise?"
He's silent for a moment, then he sits up.
"So, we've been friends for a while now and I really need to get something off of my chest. I think I'm- I mean I know I'm- I mean I'm kind of- shit I'll just show you!"
In one fluid motion he scoops my face into his hands and kisses me. I'm startled at first, but then I relax and put my hand on his arm. I think he's just buzzed and tired,well I am too. He pulls away and looks into my eyes. I realize for the first time just how blue his eyes are.
"I'm in love with you. At first I just thought you were cute, but I just couldn't help it, I fell for you" he says shyly
I have no words, I just kiss him back in response.
Luke's POV:
I tell her how I feel and it feels good to do so. When she kissed me back, I knew that she felt the same way too.
Our lips touching ignited some kind of fire in me. A certain want for more was generated.
I kiss her again, this time longer.
To my surprise, she doesn't hesitate or seem to be scared. She relaxes, and I kiss her lightly, but then she sits on my lap and I get the feeling again. The feeling I got when she was standing there in nothing but a towel. Things are getting a little hot in here, so I start to take her jacket off and she takes off mine.
I stop and say "Is this ok? If you don't want to do this, you don't have to."
She looks at me, then smirks a little and kisses me.
"Wow." I say
"What? You thought I wouldn't be good at kissing?"
"No it's just.... wow."
A few minutes later she pulls away.
"Luke, um, I don't think we should do this right now."
"Oh," I say
"It's not you, its just..... did the previous things happen because you actually feel that way, or are you just a little tipsy?"
I'm silent for a minute.
"The first one." I say with a little smile

Mary's POV:
I kind of just let go and do whatever feels natural. But after a while I have to stop. I have this thing where intensity makes me uncomfortable, I just asked if it was happening because he truly felt that way, or if he was just a little tipsy.
We lay on his bed and just stare at each other. He suddenly smiles. I can tell he's drunk because his eyes look different.
"What?" I ask
"Nothing, it's just I didn't expect this to escalate so quickly."
"Me either."
He kisses me, and then we fall asleep.
The next morning, I wake up and find a flat haired Luke staring at me.
"Good morning sleeping beauty."
"Good morning." I say "God I feel terrible."
"You look terrible." he says
I just glare at him and a smirk spreads across his face. Then I hear my phone ring.
"Where are you? Do you know it's 10 o'clock in the morning and your curfew was one?"
"I'm sorry mom."
"Where are you?"
"Where are you?"
"Luke's." I say as I prepare for the onslaught of yelling that is about to occur
"Oh, well I trust him so I'm not so worried now."
"Ok, bye mom. Oh yeah, can you not tell Ashton I'm at Luke's?"
"Ok I won't, bye now."
Luke starts to laugh as soon as I put down my phone.
"What's so funny?"
"Your mom said she trusted me. Kind of funny, isn't it?"
"Well, maybe one day we can use that to our advantage."
Luke's POV:
I drive Mary home and then go to the park to meet Michael, Ashton, and Calum. They said that they wanted to hang out since we haven't in a while. I hope Ashton doesn't question me about last night. While I'm driving, I think of last night and smile a little. I remember almost everything, and everything I do remember from last night is wonderful. I think everything really happened, and I didn't just imagine it.
I pull up to the park and see that Michael and Calum are already here, but no Ashton.
"Hemmings, you look rough." Michael says
"Well I feel rough."
"We tried to call you last night, why weren't you answering?" Calum asks
I don't know if I should tell them. I decide it's best not to.
"My phone was dead and I couldn't find my charger."
"Where'd you go after school yesterday? You kind of just disappeared."
"I had to go do something."
"Whatever you say."
"Guys I'm kind of hungry," I say "can we go get something?"
"Not yet," Calum says "we still have to wait for Ashton."
Right as he said his name, he showed up.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Mary went out with some friends last night,drank a little and was sick when she came back this morning. I had to help her out."
So her mom didn't tell Ashton.
"Ashton, Mary doesn't have any other-" Michael starts to say
"What he means, Ashton, is Mary doesn't have any other time to do the stuff she did except for right now. So I don't think you should get mad at her for it." I say, cutting him off
Michael just squints at me.
"I guess you're right," Ashton says "after all, I drank when I was her age."
"Exactly." I say
"Can we go eat now?"
We all pile into my car and drive off to get some food.

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